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0 thoughts on “Plug and play.”
This is old. Please notice how the BSOD slides in neatly from the side, which must have been a feature in the beta they were demonstrating. Back in the day, my blue screens always just appeared *pow* without warning. Running the risk of sounding like your typical MS-hating Mac/Linux fanboi (which I am not), the performance was clearly doctored for publicity.
This is old. Please notice how the BSOD slides in neatly from the side, which must have been a feature in the beta they were demonstrating. Back in the day, my blue screens always just appeared *pow* without warning. Running the risk of sounding like your typical MS-hating Mac/Linux fanboi (which I am not), the performance was clearly doctored for publicity.
More like Plug and PRAY, amirite?!? LOLZ!!1!
I’m terribly sorry about that. I was overcome.