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0 thoughts on “Dara O’Briain sets the record straight”
For our American viewers: you may not know the reference of the last phrase in the movie: “You look like Noddy”. Think big head on little body in toy car. Noddy was my childhood friend, along with Andy Pandy, while I was < 5yrs old, in the UK, in the form of string puppets. Noddy actually has a web site - http://www.noddy.com – if you want the full saccharine experience. But the image Dara invoked for me was just priceless. I guess I have more context.
For our American viewers: you may not know the reference of the last phrase in the movie: “You look like Noddy”. Think big head on little body in toy car. Noddy was my childhood friend, along with Andy Pandy, while I was < 5yrs old, in the UK, in the form of string puppets. Noddy actually has a web site - http://www.noddy.com – if you want the full saccharine experience. But the image Dara invoked for me was just priceless. I guess I have more context.
As for the stick – make it a big one, please.
Thanks, Greg.
The Mithell and Webb homeopathic A&E (“Emergency Room” for US speakers of “english”) is also apposite :-
Now there’s someone who knows how to communicate science!