Monthly Archives: September 2009

Primitive Cultures are Simple, Civilization is Complex (A falsehood) I

This is yet another in a series of posts on falsehoods. To refresh your memory, a falsehood is a belief held by a number of people that is in some way incorrect. That incorrectness may be blatant, it may be subtle, it may be conditional, it may be simple, it may be complex. But, the unraveling of the falshoodosity of the belief is a learning experience, if it is accomplished in a thoughtful manner and without too much sophistry. In order for a falsehood to “work” as a learning opportunity it is important to define the statement in terms of the thoughts the falsehood invokes in the target audience, which may be very different than the logic intrinsic to the statement itself. For instance, with the present falsehood, I will argue that civilizations actually are complex and primitive cultures actually are simple, when looked at in a certain way. However, most people look at this issue a different way, and get it wrong. Yes, I will be deconstructing some of your cherished beliefs if you are a run of the mill Caucasoido-occidentalonormative middle class suburbanite. Which I’m sure you’re not, but if you were…
Continue reading Primitive Cultures are Simple, Civilization is Complex (A falsehood) I

Links and business

First, some important business. If you have a science post, send it to Scientia Pro Publica. . They are due NOW and, I assume owing to the beginning of the school year, there is a shortage.

Second, check this out: Something interesting happened the other day when Almost Diamonds produced this post on purity movements (or, purity as a trait of a community. For convoluted reasons, this led to two largely separate communities bumping a little into each other, which is probably a minor fender bender, but that event resulted in THIS POST at Almost Diamonds, which is a list of posts that Stephanie or I have written over the last year or so on how to ruin, or not ruin, the blogosphere.

If you are on facebook and have any (facebook) friends that are actual (meatland) friends, you better read this. Its about what looks like a very effective scam.

Is it possible that the earth can be cooling and experiencing global warming at the same time? Yes, of course. You don’t have to know much about how the earth works to understand that. Or, you could be a willfully ignorant moron like this guy.

The Touch of the Phantom: When left is right and right is left

ResearchBlogging.orgIf you watch a fake hand standing in for your right hand, and it is touched with a brush while at the same time your left hand, hidden from view, is similarly touched, you feel your right hand being touched. This spooky finding is called “phantom touch” and was reported in a recent issue of PLoS ONE.


Continue reading The Touch of the Phantom: When left is right and right is left