This is the sixtieth anniversary of cryptography, according to one way of counting it that I’m sure lots of people don’t agree with. (I mean, seriously, I’ve SEEN the Da Vinci code, man.)
Anyway, here is a nice slide show, starting out with the Engigma, working its way through the movie “Sneaker” and eventually to “quantum cryptography”
The slide show is here.
60 years?!!?!? I was very confused (can you say Caesar cipher) until I saw on the slideshow page (emphasis mine):
Now the 60 year thing makes more sense.
Yeah, I was confused by the 60 years as well; aside from the well-known Roman substitution ciphers which are trivial to break, a tougher-to-break cipher was in common use in France and England around the time of Elizabeth 1 (now trivial to break with a computer). I’m not sure about calling Enigma a computer though, unless you class the abacus as a computer; then again the computers which help read Enigma messages are older than 60 years (and Enigma even older); otherwise they would have had no value whatsoever during the war.