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0 thoughts on “I KNOW it was a UFO. I know it! I know it!”
That was a fun evening. Almost the entire group I work with attended, we organized it all. That poor guy to his left was harassed with Neil’s very exuberant gestures and made into every type of example I can think of. “OK! Pretend you’re a blue giant star about to die!” (frantic gestures about the poor guy’s head.)
We don’t get enough of that in St. Pete, but that was great.
That was a fun evening. Almost the entire group I work with attended, we organized it all. That poor guy to his left was harassed with Neil’s very exuberant gestures and made into every type of example I can think of. “OK! Pretend you’re a blue giant star about to die!” (frantic gestures about the poor guy’s head.)
We don’t get enough of that in St. Pete, but that was great.
I love the way he throws his feet up on the coffee table every few minutes.
We would like to reassure citizens that the lights seen in the sky this evening are not from a UFO…
… however, we aren’t sure what it is yet.
Great. Rational. Funny. Spot on. And, of course, dismissed by the true believers. Neil is one of the best advocates for science I know.