Last night on a conference call she asked for radical action on a state by state basis, implying that states who do not want health care reform should take arms against the government. Or something like that.
Source: Rumor. So far. If I get more I’ll let you know.
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That’s funny. Let’s see, there are still laws against sedition, inciting people to violence, etc. If it’s true can we grab her, try her and shoot her? I’ll bid for a ticket to pull the trigger on her.
Um…yeah – get back to us on that.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
Bachmann should be grateful there are no laws forbidding one to be ignorant and malicious, otherwise she would get life plus 1000 years.
Bachmann should be grateful there are no laws forbidding one to be ignorant and malicious, otherwise she would get life plus 1000 years.
“Ms. Bachmann became trapped in a catch-22 of her own making; As her ‘jailhouse religion’ became more and more demented, her pleadings before the parole board turned into screaming matches in unintelligible speaking-in-tongues gibberish.”