That is totally my old neighborhood. A shame to see so many trees down. A good day for people in the roofing business, though.
I also think that from now on a basic course in videography should be required of all humans.
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We don’t generally get tornadoes out here, although I’ve seen a picture of a funnel cloaud that formed one day about this time of year, but it didn’t do much of anything.
However, in the wintertime, we often get windstorms. Bad ones. They can down trees and knock out electric grids. Big time. And damage houses and cause flooding and a bunch of other things I won’t go into here. We had a windstorm like that about 3 1/2 years, just before Christmas, and some people , two weeks later, were still without electricity pr jeat/ And believe me, the neighborhood I live in, was very hard hit, because lots of trees were downed. I have a friend who didn’t endure any outage at all while the wind howled, but where I live, we were out for 3 dqays! That’s one of the reasons people still talk about it.
Anne G
Proof of god reference at ca 5:15
Yet there appeared to be a tree on a church around 4:40
Wrong church?
Actually, there were a bunch of churches damaged. The churches really took it in the steeple on this one.
As in, “Don’t just wave the camera around; it’s making me dizzy?” I’m a video amateur but at least I pan slowly.
Also startup and stopping. The video camera is not a picture camera.
Not that I have any skills along these lines myself. I’ve been known to tip the camera sideways to fit the subject in. Bad idea in video.
We don’t generally get tornadoes out here, although I’ve seen a picture of a funnel cloaud that formed one day about this time of year, but it didn’t do much of anything.
However, in the wintertime, we often get windstorms. Bad ones. They can down trees and knock out electric grids. Big time. And damage houses and cause flooding and a bunch of other things I won’t go into here. We had a windstorm like that about 3 1/2 years, just before Christmas, and some people , two weeks later, were still without electricity pr jeat/ And believe me, the neighborhood I live in, was very hard hit, because lots of trees were downed. I have a friend who didn’t endure any outage at all while the wind howled, but where I live, we were out for 3 dqays! That’s one of the reasons people still talk about it.
Anne G