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Michelle has a lot of power, power we don’t appreciate because we are mere mortals. She can turn on the Stupid and turn it up to “11” while the rest of the conservatives of her ilk are still looking for the power switch.
And yes, while it is false that her son was raised well, it is not damaging to her reputation. So, no, Michelle, no libel nor defamation.
Palin/Bachmann 2012
(Oh, please, please, please, please.)
Don’t you mean Bachmann/Palin? After all, Palin does have more experience as a VP candidate .
I think, at this point, it’s newsworthy if she says something that isn’t incredibly stupid.
If either of these 2 loons say something not stupid there ought to be a moment of awed silence.
Michelle has a lot of power, power we don’t appreciate because we are mere mortals. She can turn on the Stupid and turn it up to “11” while the rest of the conservatives of her ilk are still looking for the power switch.
And yes, while it is false that her son was raised well, it is not damaging to her reputation. So, no, Michelle, no libel nor defamation.