Note: First Woman Michele Obama confirms my suspicion
Added: Proof
Who is smarter, men or women?
Any college teacher (at least in the social sciences and life sciences) who has ever paid attention to their own stats know that women do better than men in college classes.
OK, women are smarter. But why?
There are all kinds of post hoc explanations given for this like “Girls get better grades because professors are men, nod nod wink wink” and so on. What a load of crap. Women are smarter than men on average, among the smartest people there is no emperical evidence that women are underrepresented, and among the dumbest people in the world …. well, those are mostly guys.
The reasons are obvious and straight forward. The hormones that give some men an evolutionary advantage over some other men also make you stoopid. Any questions? Ask a girl, she’ll explain it to you.
And now, finally (or shall I say, “once again”) there’s proof:
Female students are ahead of men in almost every measure of UK university achievement, according to a report from higher education researchers.
A Higher Education Policy Institute report shows that women are more likely to get places in the top universities and go on to get better grades.
Women also outnumber men in high status subjects, such as law and medicine.
UPDATE: This interesting piece appeared the other day in the New York Times: Girls Lead in Science Exam, but Not in the United States . A graphic from that piece is now the featured image for this post (above). So there you go.
So, there you go. Comments?
And when someone responds to an opinion presented in all civility with a patronizing tone, it’s interpreted as antagonism.
A stupid opinion is still a stupid opinion, and deserves to be exposed as such, no matter how civil the tone in which it’s stated. Crying about our tone — without addressing the substance of what we actually said — is just another way that liars and idiots change the subject when their assertions have been disproven. There’s no civil way to criticize blatant stupidity — at least not in the eyes of the blatantly stupid.
And besides, why should we listen to lectures on manners from soomeone who’s still stuck on the same “boys are better than girls” nonsense most of heard in grade-school?
Crybaby tone arguments aside, though, the numerical disparity between male and female inventors can easily be explained by diminished opportunities for women in societies that any honest student can see have been male-dominated. If you really can’t see how that works, you might as well stop trying to pretend you’re any more educated than your fellow misogynist troll who’s now trying to tell you how to argue. (White female privilege is unchallenged because “blog moderators refuse to take a stand?” Are you fucking kidding me?)
Um…Raping Bee–you are the most stuck on stupid troll I have encountered on Gregs blog ever. And you have had some competition, believe ME.
Didn’t they teach you how to read over in aging white reformed drug dealer school?
Those words that you wrongly attribute to me are actually the words and property of
Maybe some of your “black female friends” which you mentioned somewhere in the discussion about RW might like that blog…( I am still laughing my ass off at someone who needs to back up their whiteness by having quintessential ‘black friends’…..didn’t Seinfeld cover that?)
So wrong again–I am coming to expect that from you.
And Johnny Oldschool–it is well worth cruising around Greg’s blog here–you will find that Bee is a male rape proponent ( meaning he advocates for the rape of men), an ex-communist, a desperate man trying to impress the young ladies ( go read his blog for fun–he can’t even construct a paragraph, and everything he talks about is just some form of re-statement of something that has already been said a million times), and a sycophant.
To whit: :”what we actually said” …
Notice how “he” is a actually a “we”, a collective consciousness raising entity in his own right. Er…in “their” own right.
Stephanie Z, an important invention is something which causes great advancements in quality of life, causes humanity to progress towards order, or otherwise changes the landscape of humanity forever. I’m sure you will agree that something like the transistor has had more of an impact on us than the automatic dishwasher.
Raging Bee, you said “Crying about our tone — without addressing the substance of what we actually said — is just another way that liars and idiots change the subject when their assertions have been disproven.”
Well, that’s precisely how I felt when Greg responded to my original comment with “Oh look, comment of the month award material.”
Well pornonymous, it’s rather disturbing for me to learn that anyone could be a proponent of sexual violation. Nobody deserves to be a victim of abuse. Ever.
…you will find that Bee is a male rape proponent ( meaning he advocates for the rape of men)…
Do tell, porno-boy — where, exactly, will we find that?
Raging Bee, I am also interested where we would find that. However, the fact that you ask for proof as opposed to saying such an accusation is sick and disgusting is already telling of your character.
So, Johnny, how would you compare the transistor to agriculture and cooking?
However, the fact that you ask for proof as opposed to saying such an accusation is sick and disgusting is already telling of your character.
Compliment taken. Besides, I don’t have to point out how sick and disgusting porno-boy is; it’s been self-evident for weeks now. Not sure why he’s so fixated on me…infatuation maybe?
Johnny: Just for fun, let’s see if Raper-Bee will find it himself— I am pretty much over doing his homework for him.
The guy has the initiative of a slug in any discussion that requires thought, and he has zero social skills–and waaaay too much hostility boiling inside him.
And he certainly does not connect the dots between fact and fact–he still owes me the duty to refute the entirely clear, and entirely substantive link between “slavery” and the US prison system–which was virtually non -existent before 1865.
His more ludicrous manner on the topic of boys being sexually abused, men being raped, etc, prohibits any and all discussion about the topic. Rape culture 101: deny male victimization; silence male experience–much of which leads to the creation of “what is a rapist.”
Sexual abuse of boys, by the way, is a proven link to lower achievement, if not actual measurable intelligence.And has anyone seen the achievement gap lately? Girls girls girls, while singlemoms, et al raise boys to be cannon fodder.
Old White Former Failed Drug Dealer/baby raper/wutever-u-are: here’s the clue–over one of the RW threads where you basically doubted that my personal history of abuse wasn’t “valid because I am male,” or merely because–in your eyes who has never met me before, and who will never know me–is that I am not “worthy of validation”
THIS IS RAPE CULTURE PERPETUATION, 102 and 103, assault, or re-victimize the victim of assault; discredit said victim of female initiated sexual abuse.
YOU ARE A PROPONENT of rape culture at large, and men specifically. They invented Viagra, and the prison system so guys like you can walk around and feel virile, and capable.
Massive logic fail–and cowardice on your part: men who empathize have a better chance of changing rape culture than men who re-victimize. You are one of the former.
Stephanie Z, I was comparing the transistor to the automatic dishwasher, not agriculture and cooking. I think we would both be hard pressed to attribute the cultivation of plants and the searing of meat to a specific gender.
oooops. That was for4mer, in the sense of cowards with failed logic switches in their brains–er….you have a logic fail drive, like all deniers of violence against men…
Raging Bee, I was neither insulting nor complimenting you. I was simply saying that when someone is accused of something which is not true, they usually respond with outrage. When someone is accused of something which might be true, they usually make an effort to cover it up.
I am not drawing a conclusion as to either. I am only offering speculation based on trends I have seen.
Johnny: Just for fun, let’s see if Raper-Bee will find it himself— I am pretty much over doing his homework for him.
So now it’s MY job to provide evidence to support YOUR pathetic accusations? What a fucking joke. You got nothing and you know it. Case dismissed.
Also, I did not doubt your personal history because you were male; I doubted it because you were clearly incoherent, insane, and therefore unreliable. And you prove yourself more so with every comment.
You sure you want to be seen near this guy, Johnny? Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
Johnny–this was said to you up there:
“And besides, why should we listen to lectures on manners from soomeone who’s still stuck on the same “boys are better than girls” nonsense most of heard in grade-school?”
Does that accurately describe your position here? Do you in any way think boys are better than girls? I didn’t read you that way.
And again, in regards to Raper, there is tis sgort, but repetitive history there, it goes like this: the little bitch makes gross, hostile, inflammatory statements to people the first time he ever opens his mouth to them!
Then he demands “evidenc” and proof, etc–but when proof is provided says “you’re not reputable, so I won’t look at the evidence!!”
He’s actually unhinged, and not at all worth arguing with–he doen’t have a discussion switch, only an attack, argue, dominate by ad hominem attack switch. A rape culture proponent. His “rape switch” is sublimated and becomes an “attack men switch”.
All that, of course, over the internet, so he doesn’t get hid false teeth kicked out, because in person, he would be an utter coward.
And he is a law and order Joe Araipo supporter.
Hey Bee: you are the line I personally draw with violence. You have asserted the same thing, post after post after post: but I am not here to waste one more digit or fingertip “on demand” because some former criminal in Arizona ‘demands it.” in a dialectic stick-up.
But feel free to correct me of I am wrong about you–here is YOU: “is that your argument, huh, huh??? I’m not gonna talk about it/ do the research/ read the statistics you provided…blablabla.” and then two weeks later–same comment, and you still don’t DO THE HOMEWORK.
But you make the same claim. Don’t you get it? Let’s back-up”
I am not here to flatter you and I certainly am not going to babysit or coddle your lies–again. If Johnny wants to, he can find it, or ask for proof, and I will get that proof for Johnny.
But I really see don’t see you–and your abusive language, and demands for attention– as worth the effort. Your verbal violence alone is as Johnny notes,not at all properly outraged–but plenty enough for me to get the complete picture of you.
Greg, you’re on Google, and now you’re on other sites, so you’re not going to have a peaceful debate. Now, first is first, a Phd is a great achievement, you’ve got one, you are also teach (Obviously as a proffessor). When someone says, Dr Greg, these are my opinions in my test results, I have done well I think… do you reply with, DON’T ASK FOR OPINIONS, THEY ARE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SO CRITICAL THAT THEY THINK THINK THE WHOLE WORLD IS IN THE PALM OF THEIR HANDS. I HAVE PLENTY OF EVIDENCE, IN THE NEW YOU SEE IT.
You wouldn’t say that would you, so don’t say it here.
Johnny: if nothing else? Just notice the “homo-erotic/hom-phobic” subtext of Rapers language when he says “You sure you want to be seen near this guy, Johnny? Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas”
Kind of, um, really–really–weird how he sees you and me in his mind, ‘layin’ down together’, ain’t it?
Lord: um…wut?
Raging Bee, you said to Porno, “Also, I did not doubt your personal history because you were male; I doubted it because you were clearly incoherent, insane, and therefore unreliable. And you prove yourself more so with every comment”
From my perspective, your accusations are very similar to his. You both insult each other with an antagonism that solves absolutely nothing. I see no flow of information between either of you. I see attacks, not exchanges.
Johnny, I tried to tellya’–his endless shit isn’t worth wading into. Here’s the first thing I ever heard from him/it.
@497 here
You’re welcome to wade in, but from minute one, it was verbal assault after verbal assault–not an attempt ever to create dialogue, only attempts to ‘control’ or silence dialogue.
Later threads were all Raping Bee demanding proof and not following said proof; demanding more proof etc.
Let me give you a scenario: you’re walking down the street, whistling. Some dirty asshole jumps off a park bench and says ” your whistling sounds like shit. ” Followed shortly thereafter by ” shut up” followed by several more shut ups.
And the dirty asshole FOLLOWS you.
Or, imagine verbal assault. On some level, most humans are capable of discussion, while others use conversation to assault you– a deep need to be ‘right’ rather than to conversate.
Every exchange with this sort of person is actually a choice you make to be assaulted, or to walk away from an assault.
There are plenty of other examples since that initial exchange, but that is what he is– a verbal stalker.( read that post–I tried to get rid of him rather quickly)
But you will note in that post, I rapidly recognized what type of person Bee is, and this ain’t my first buffalo hunt, and having literally taken a few bullets along the way. So, I kind of recognize dead ends, and dark places–like his one way street of dialogue–and I enter them armed, and quite ready.
Put another way, and in reference to his inference of homo-erotic narrative above: in the gay community they have the idea of tops and bottoms, and in the BDSM community there are doms and subs.
Raping Bee wants really really badly to be a dom, because he demands things, rather than asks for them; and then as in the case elsewhere (like the civil war and slavery post) , he doesn’t follow through on information provided, and says ” you aren’t trustworthy! You’re information is no good! ( I mean, who could possibly refute that the prison sytem was started to house freed slaves, and poor white ‘race traitors’?).
Dealing with him on any rational level leaves this really icky feeling. and you will note from the link above, he started it.
Case closed.
But I still want an answer from my last posts to you: are you being fairly characterized with that statement above about boys and girls?
Really, Johnny, you just want to look at the evidence you want to look at so you can keep your idea? Try again. We have plenty of evidence, from gendered invention of tools in our close primate relatives to gendered roles in hunter-gatherer societies that affect time use and interaction with plants, to think that women invented agriculture and cooking. What evidence do you have that men invented it?
Stephanie Z, I have none at all, nor did I claim to have any. You seem to think I am locked in a “male vs female” struggle here, and as a result you have rampantly spun off my original topic.
Said original topic was not who first practiced agriculture, nor was it a claim that women have contributed nothing to the development of civilization.
You’re right, Johnny. How would you compare agriculture and cooking in importance to the wheel and the bow and arrow, and where is your evidence that either of those were invented by men?
Of course there’s no exchange of information between porno-boy and me — he has no information to offer, and he’s clearly unhinged. Go ahead and read the thread he cited, and you’ll see what’s been obvious to us for weeks now. If you think there’s anything I need to apologize for there, go ahead and cite it. I can stand by everything I’ve said, so I’m not exactly quaking in my boots here.
Oh, and as I predicted, the wanker who calls himself a “pornoriented amateur rapeologist” can’t produce a quote from me to support his charge that I support male rape. Do you really think an “exchange of information” is possible with an asshole like that?
Oh, and why should I respond with “outrage” to porno-boy’s charges? There’s nothing “outrageous” about a person who is clearly mentally ill and has zero credibility making wild accusations that have no relation to reality. It happens every day, everywhere. All I have to do is ask the loony for evidence, and watch him flail and fail.
Wait, Greg makes money from this blog? Oh Jesus Christ…how could I have fallen for that…I’m guessing there are ads all over the page or something. See, I’m using the ad-blocker extension for Firefox, so I wouldn’t know.
Well, I’m out. I don’t much want to contribute to a money-by-controversy scheme. Or as I call it, “Fox News tactics”.
Funny how Johnny finds an excuse to bugger off AFTER his opinions have been debunked…and he realizes just how embarrassing his only friend here is…
And just when I was going to suggest he actually read up on the topic:
Sorry folks, Golly Gee (aka Gator) has been banned for sockpuppeting and offensive name calling. He’s gone now.
JohnnyOldschool: Don’t go! Please don’t go! Your comments were so wonderful that every time you made one I made ten dollars! Please don’t go!
(Don’t worry, he’s not going anywhere.)
(Btw, what I was saying earlier is, I expected Greg to be more logical instead of attacking people.)
To be honest, I have nothing here either. All I can say is that just because of ‘evidence’ and test results, one does not simply conclude.
or should I say
All of this is also true of people from Asian or Ashkenazi backgrounds, when compared with people of different ancestry.
(“I see you trollin’, I’m raisin’…” â?«â?«)
from gendered invention of tools in our close primate relatives
This sounds interesting. Do you have some references?
I don’t know what’s worse about this post: the nonchalance with which the author substitutes “having better grades” with “being more intelligent”, or the fact that he, apparently, would celebrate the discovery that intelligence isn’t equally distributed among human beings.
Toto, here’s one article with a couple of examples. There are more out there if you read about chimp tool use.
Here’s another article discussing a similar trend for female innovation in both chimps and bonobos:
Raping bee looking desperately for someone to “quote him”–YET AGAIN. You really need help, you Joe Araipo rape apologist.
. Stumble over to his blog, and you will see that he has trouble quoting himself, much less constructing a parapgraph.
Dude, stop trying to be relevant–your just an echo anywhere you go.
Stephanie: thanks for the links about bonobos and tool use. I fully agree that women invent tools–just look at the Swedish Sex Purchase act–a legal tool that gender feminists use to control the sexuality of other women, and take food from the mouths of children.
And by that kind of logic, it might well be possible that women invented the club–to get men to comply with their biological drives toward procreation.
Toto @336 : Is it true that women as a whole get to the top? You left out the ubiquitously privileged white female. I mean when was the last time you saw a black woman heading up these institutions?
But why pick on the Ashkenaz? You have a bias against Sephardim in the every day workplace, or do you believe that they all somehow just magically appear in Hollywood one day making movies about race and class and gender stereotypes?
And by that kind of logic, it might well be possible that women invented the club–to get men to comply with their biological drives toward procreation.
What, men never got sexually aroused until wimmin threatened to club them? Laughable troll is laughable. In a sad sort of way.
Gee, thanks. But any criticism of my sense of humor coming from you is like the heckler in the audience who, once invited on-stage, finally stands up and knocks the table over because he is too drunk.
I mean, who can beat you in laughable analysis?
Meantime, what do you think about one of those modern tools that was entirely invented by women–the Swedish Sex Purchase Act? It’s either a shot gun wedding, or a club…maybe neither.
But I am sure that you–a Joe Arpaio supporter–has a good sense of bonobo justice, right? I mean–pink underwear? You rape supporters never stop cracking me up.
Cooking,cooking,coooking and washing,washing,washing, thats all stephanie has being saying all along, is there anything else beside cooking and washing? stephanie when you get in your car ask yourself who made it, when you go to a famous restaurant go to the kitchen , you will find men cooking, when you get on a airplane ask yourself who invented it, when you walk on a sidewalk ask yourself who made it, when you walk in your house ask yourself who made it, when you sit on the toilet to take a shit ask yourself who made it, when you whipe your ass and your pussy ask yourself who made that roll of paper, when you use your computer ask who inveted it, when you log in on your facebook ask who invented it.
When you listen to music think about men, when you talk on the phone think about men, when your car gets fucked up think about men, when you open your refrigeator think about men, when you wash your dishes think about men, what the fuck have women provided for us? just fucking drama and blah blah blah. open your eyes and look arround you,
Soon i will invent a link for ztephanie, ztephanie you can backup your theory base on fucking links, but is that the truth? if someone makes a post about and indian shitting gold nuggets you probably will be the first one to go and find out if is true, you really think what you see on the internet everything is true, “actions speak louder then words”,your fucken links don’t mean shit,i believe on what i see, i believe on what men have done for the world,i belive in facts not theory, i dont give a fuck if women are better in school then men, that doen’t mean shit to me, even to this day everything i use on a daily bases was invented by men.
Yeah, dude. Good luck going without that food. But if you’re all gung ho about your computer:
Sure, dude, and the next time you find yourself trying to impress someone with your manners or your education, just remember who taught them to you. Oh wait, you never learned any of that mushy girly stuff, did you? Who (if anyone) potty-trained you?
Oh, and as for who made all our stuff, just remember there’s lots of women working in factories these days too. And mines.
…what the fuck have women provided for us? just fucking drama and blah blah blah.
Yeah, societies where women have no rights and no power are SOOO much more advanced than here, right? That’s why you’re packing your bags and moving to Afghanistan, right?
…i dont give a fuck if women are better in school then men, that doen’t mean shit to me…
That’s probably because you don’t give a shit about education. Which is why you can be safely dismissed as an ignorant hate-filled fuckhead.
HOHOHOHOHOHO another stupid link, “good luck without eating food” is that all steph? Is that all you can say? what other link do you have to support your theory?
Raising bee, i know alot of people with diplomas educated sitting in their fucken house waiting to get a job,a female friend came to my house one day and told me “do you know that i have a diploma in chimical field”, and guess what she is? she is a realty agent, so what the fuck is that diploma doing hanging on her wall? education aint shit when you’re not sussescfull,and yes!! i dont give a shit about education especially when i didn’t need education to get where i am now, “money talks bullshit walks” what good is education when you’re not sussesfull, don’t call people ignorant cause everyone is, even the smartest people in the world are ignorants in some fields, so stop being so dumb because you’re ignorant in many ways too, fuckhead, or are you going to tell me that your the smartes fuckhead in the world? I speak spanish, french and english,how about you? can i call you ignorant because you can’t speak spanish or french? so lets see, i’m not educated but yet speak spanish, english and french i think i’m ahead of you, RIGHT?
By the way raising bee remember you’re in the internet an intertainment, you can hide the truth about yourself, here you can bee the worst fucken lair in the world you can be anything you want,you can be a fucken fake hero, you’re not going to offend me in anyway, at the end, all i read is another dumb fucked who wants to impress people based on your own way of thinking,none of yo mothefucker put food on my table, you can be tha smaterst mf of the world that shit wont do me any good at the end i dont give a fuck if women are smarter then men all i know as a fact that men are sussesfull and powerful in manyways, women can argue their entire life about them being smarter but at the end it all falls in history and the present men are ahead in manyways untill this day period.
here is a short list of the inventors, enjoy , by the way most are women hahahaha
And most wiki editors and blog commenters with crap grammar are male. Your point?
This post is about how women are smarter than men. Which is true.
This post is NOT about how men are stupider than women. Which is also true. But I do plan to write a post about that some day. For now I’m still collecting data.
…By the way raising bee remember you’re in the internet an intertainment, you can hide the truth about yourself, here you can bee the worst fucken lair in the world you can be anything you want,you can be a fucken fake hero, you’re not going to offend me in anyway, at the end, all i read is another dumb fucked who wants to impress people based on your own way of thinking,none of yo mothefucker put food on my table, you can be tha smaterst mf of the world that shit wont do me any good at the end i dont give a fuck…
Wow, you’re sure spending a lot of time insisting I’m not worth your time. Get under your skin that much, do I? You’re so upset you can’t even take the time to spell my pseudonym right.
(And yeah, I can lie here. Got any proof I’m lying?)
What a bunch of spoiled rotten brats!
From what I’ve read here, most of you brainiacs have never bothered to learn about women’s history. Let me fill you in a bit-
First of all, who do you think was taking care of the house cleaning and cooking for all those great inventors? Take a guess- women! And don’t come back with “so and so wasn’t married!” Yeah, well- mothers, sisters, and aunts took care of all that, if the man was not of the “station” to have a paid (or indentured, or enslaved) woman taking care of those details.
Instead of inventing things, women were washing all the clothes of the household. Not with a washing machine- with a board in a stream or lake. How did they dry the clothes? Whaddya think, the men were all “thank you, let me take these sogging, heavy garments and *help* you? (See, men *help* when they do housework- women just do it, it’s their job, they should be grateful for food.) Nope. After using a wash board, they got to wring out the clothes and then hang them to dry.
Now let’s see, what else is going on? Oh, right, the children! Men definitely couldn’t be involved with that. So while doing the housework, for instance, the women had to watch the children. And I don’t mean one or two. It could be a dozen, if the family was lucky enough to not have any children die of the harsh conditions of the past.
Well, you might say, don’t have so many kids, then! But that wasn’t under women’s control. Even though condom-like devices existed, and even though tracking a woman’s cycle could go quite a way towards limiting the size of family, women weren’t allowed to use them. Until the 1970’s, it was legal in this country to rape your wife. Still is, in most of the world. Remember a year or two ago, the American backed leader of Afghanistan pushed through a law that permitted the rape of wives. How could a woman refuse to have children, if her husband insisted on sex without any device, and without regard of her menstrual cycle?
Single women were prohibited from sex, but often shunned by family members. They weren’t just not allowed to have sex with a man, a hundred years ago all of a woman’s earnings went to a male relative. The woman’s entire life was in the hands of either her husband or her brother or some male relative. Much like in women in the Middle East, or South American today.
Women didn’t just have to turn over their earnings, making them entirely dependent on male relatives while the men were living. They were not permitted to inherit *anything.* No land. No house. No farm, no livestock. If a woman had 10 children- after being pressured into marriage at 16 and then made pregnant over and over again (and having to breastfeed unless she was of the higher status through marriage or otherwise, and could support a wet nurse), if her husband died it didn’t matter what work she’d put into the farm. All of the property- including anything her parents might have given to her husband upon marriage- was gone. It went to a male relative. Perhaps she was lucky enough to have a grown son inherit. If not, she was at the mercy of her brother-in-law, her husband’s father, her own brother. It didn’t matter what she’d done at that house. It went to a man, leaving women destitute and struggling to support children. In my own family, a relative had exactly that happen to her, the death of her husband, and she had to give up 3 of her children to an orphanage because she was unable to get work and did not immediately remarry.
Can any of you straight white guys even begin to empathize with her, understand perhaps why women have not been able to fulfill their potential? While the men were inventing stuff and building (women were too, you just don’t hear about it, like you don’t hear about women who’ve fought in all the wars), women were at home *raising* you boys and taking care of you and seeing that you made it to adulthood without dying. Children are often our reason for being pliable and unwilling/unable to challenge the status quo. It’s not from lack of intelligence. It’s because we are always thinking of *you,* our *children,* first. And we don’t have the time to overthrow this sick system because we are already busy taking care of you, cleaning, cooking. That doesn’t mean we aren’t intelligent or creative. We are just *busy.*
Were the men participating in the housekeeping and raising of the children? In some families. But as this country has moved from farming, more men had to work in manufacturing or other jobs that took them away from their families. But try to remember- most of the time, the woman took care of the housecleaning and the children. But yet, they also often had paid work, though wages had to go to their husbands. It’s a grand middle-class myth that women didn’t have to work in the past. Women have done piecework from home, looked after other peoples’ children (like after their mothers died in childbirth, after they took the huge risk by choice or not, to endure an entire pregnancy), worked in factories (the recent Triangle Shirtwaste fire anniversary is a pertinent example).
Through the ages have women kept the house, been pregnant numerous times, done all the cooking and looked after the children, while they also worked at factories or on the farms or at home with a needle and thread, by the light of the candle while the family slept. The exhortations here that women are too lazy to have jobs, or that they should go back to their kitchens when the vast majority of women work in their own kitchens both before and after paid jobs, just prove that you guys have no clue what kind of support and sacrifice women regularly make. I don’t know any women who haven’t worked, and I mean your mothers, too. Believe it or not- and the woman in your life, should you have one- keeping house, watching the children and cooking for the famiy is work.
It is not easy. And it keeps women from lazing over a blank page and dreaming up a poem or a novel. Women hunger now, and always have, for time to pursue our own dreams and make a difference. Through most of history, women have also sacrificed those dreams and accepted that they may have to sit back and just watch their children reach their goals instead.
Have a little respect and empathy for your mothers. Women work so hard and get so little appreciation or thanks for it. There are *so many things* that your mothers wanted to do with their intelligence and their time, but they couldn’t find a way to pursue their real dreams and take care of their homes and their children. There are *so many women* who had no choice, who were not allowed to speak, who ended up homeless because there was no man to protect their interests. What a horrible thing to see that a group of men can just erase all of those women, just because they didn’t have access to the materials they needed to put their invention out there. Women had few legal rights in this country- gaining the vote in 1920, finally being able to have credit in their own names (my mom made the money and also couldn’t get a credit card without my father’s name on it). Around the world, female fetuses are being aborted or baby girls killed. That’s not even mentioning the horrors of sexual assault on women and little girls as yong as 3 months old. Think of all that potential brain power being lost just because people value boys more and think they are smarter and worthier than daughters! What a horror it is to read a thread like this, with man after man piling up to insist that women can’t possibly be as intelligent, inventive, or thoughtful as men. The suggestion that girls may be smarter (but we’ve been kept down for thousands of years because we are physically weaker most of the time to most men) throws men into a panic. It can’t be true! It just can’t!
Well, maybe you should think of what this world would be like if girls and women didn’t have to spend their whole lives taking care of men, trying to look pretty enough, etc. There is so much being lost by this worldwide misogyny. And for anyone to argue that this must be natural, that this is how it’s meant to be- no it isn’t! The sexes complement each other. Love and cooperation matter, so much can come from that. But instead, you all are wasting lots of time and energy tripping over each other to remind the world that you are smarter, because if you’re not…
Then what?
Oh and PS- You men invent everything? Then use spell check, for chrissakes!!
Well while you’re trying to prove some bizarre idea of how men are stupid compared the to ‘smart’ woman, have a think about what you are trying to prove. Clearly it would take more than a teaching doctor using test results and academic evidence to prove that women are smarter. Firstly I would like you and your fangirls to understand that you are getting into something that is not worth getting into. Last thing to do is to attract chauvinists to argue with. They are idiots. If you are just an attention seeker, you know the word, Troll, oops just said it. I just needed to say this. I’m outta hear now! Got better things to do eh!
“Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood”.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience.
“Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. “(eztephanie and chasing bees)
(Wow, you’re sure spending a lot of time insisting I’m not worth your time. Get under your skin that much, do I? You’re so upset you can’t even take the time to spell my pseudonym right.
(And yeah, I can lie here. Got any proof I’m lying?)
Posted by: Raging Bee | August 20, 2011 11:33 AM
“It’s good to be clever, but not to show it.”
“Clever people(ztephanie,chasing bees) master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties. ”
“Clever women are good, but they are not the best.”
“You tried, and you failed, so the lesson is, never try.”
chasing bees!!!!
“Don’t criticize my mess unless you’d like to become part of it.”
This shit gets more funny everytime, chasing bees “gets under my skin” on her own thoughts!!!(is funny i’m trying to make fun of her so called “pseudonym” her comeback is i’m not spelling her “pseudonym”. right.
Chasing bees, oops is raging bee, are you stupid or just pretending? or are you judging me based on your own actions? I’m not upset, I know the truth of life I know the facts of life, and I accept, I get pissed when I read ingnorant people who try to convence others based on their own fantasys, not reality.
Yes is hard to accept truth sometimes, but reality is base on history, is base on facts not theory, reality is not based on some crackhead teacher making up storys in a blog hahahahahahahaha.
like I said is hard to accept reality, but is easy to see arround and judge what is going on in this world, and to understand why men was picked to be genious, perhaps i could help out and wake you up from your dreams, is it that hard to figure out why men was picked to be the head of everything? and yes women was ment to be loved not to be understood, and yes women were ment to have kids and to cook for their man while he works, thats how it was ment to be, wether you like or not, thats why men work hard, thats why you see construction workers as men, thats why you see lots of men as bosses, women are trying to brake that cicle.
Ask yourself, how this world will be with out men, I can’t even imagine, everything was ment for a purpose, thats why there is a difference between men and women, men have dicks women have pussys, men can’t have babys, women can, thats reality, even if women where smarter but they have a big disavantage, phisically they’re not strong enough to overpower a men’s phisical strength, now combine both and the result is (men) thas reality. we can have millions of smart women but their priority or their instinct is to raise kids to be at home cooking because they cannot be sussescfull in hard phisical work.
wiseman–no more crack for you, o.k.? And while you’re at it, stay off the cough medicine, the Listerine, and your mothers perfume.
You seem to be suffering a “Raging Bee effect”–which is best described as “relapsed lunacy,” or “semi-compre3hensible, rageful gibberish” attacks.
The symptoms are all there.
And really, this shit is hilarious :”First of all, who do you think was taking care of the house cleaning and cooking for all those great inventors? Take a guess- women! And don’t come back with “so and so wasn’t married!” Yeah, well- mothers, sisters, and aunts took care of all that, if the man was not of the “station” to have a paid (or indentured, or enslaved) woman taking care of those details.”
Yeah–all those women, takin’ care of the menz–the ones that weren’t dying of gangrene on some battlefield, going blind from syphillis, shitting themselves with scurvy, or begging alms in front of a church; or working 14 hour days behind the ass of an ox, or spending weeks at a time pulling stumps.
Thank da gawd! Fo dem wimins Lawd!!
pornolysis hahahahaha sorry loser i don’t drink i don’t smoke,I”m drug free, bitch.
I can see you’re giving me a prescriction of your own medicine, so tell me, when did you started using your mothers perfume, were you coughing while you were writing? How much coughing medicine did you took while writing back to me?
it seems to me that you’re a hand reader, you can feel my sympthoms through my writing, wow amazing , we have a new inventer here hahahahhahahaha. someone saw me suffering trhough their monitor!!!,
“rageful gibberish attacks”? what a dumb fuck, is that how you discribe it? are you judging me based on your own actions too?
What ever i write! i write it with one intenttion! intention that only my self knows, if you describe my writing as rageful gibberish attacks, thats your definition, not mine, what you read is what you see, the definition you give it is based on the capacity of your little brain, get me?.
are you a female? it seems to me that you don’t get the part, or you havent read everything i wrote about women,
yes while men works women are at home cooking taking care of their kids, thats how it has been ever since
i have being living in this world, thats an instict that women were born with ,some women are trying to change that cicle, but is going to be worthless trying, women were born with that instict, since day one, women were ment to be at home cooking washing clothes, men were ment to work hard, and to protect the family , thats an instict we were born with , and like i said it wont really matters wether women are smarter then men , at the end instinct takes over.
What don’t make sense to me, is why some people wants to flip things over, everything has a purpose in life, most men are capable of lifting heavy stough, something that most women can’t do, most women are capable to speak on the phone while writing on their keyboard, most men were born with the instinct to protect their family from strangers, they will face anybody with rage to protect their love ones, thats a men reaction, in the other hand most women will try to hide to aboid confrontetion fear takes over, thats an instict , we can’t change that, so if anybody wants to convence me that women are smarter then men i have to see it to believe it as far as i know as long as i have being living i have seen more smarter men then women more sussescful men then women thas just a fact.
Wow, TWO incoherent wankers insulting each other over…nothing. I’ll just leave you two to go at it and get back here…whenever…
wizeman: Raging Bee is a perfect match for you–all that crack-head wisdom–you two make a great pair!
Actually I am just enjoying the battle of the Titans here–wondering which one of you is more drunk/high/ off their meds.
You guys are like pees in a poo, a perfect set of bookends–except maybe your arguments are a little better in structure, and less full of relapsed rage.
HIm on the other hand has clearly relapsed and is back on the crack–his own.
Carry on!
pornolysis it looks like you know the feeling of being on crack,i wouldn’t be able to tell you the reaction of it, because i never used it, i can see you are very familiar with this drug,
And chasing bees can’t say shit anymore, shehe gave up so easy, and what happend to eztephanie is she still looking for more links hahahahaha, fuck!!! why this bitches are so stubber? they try to convence people that women are smarter, but with out proof, all they can say is ” women were cooking and washing cloth for the genious men” why are this bitches so fucken retarded they can’t see whats arround them? is fucken 2011 and i still see the same shit women still doing the same shit they were doing back in the days, wake up motherfuckers and get a life hahahahahahaha i enjoy insulting this ignorant bitches it feels so great
by the way where is gren binladen? this fucker is probably somewhere outhere looking for a blond wig to put on, this bitch reminds me of a friend who had a blog and he used to have imaginary friends, using differents nicknames and he loved talking back to himself. stephanie, pornolysi, chasing bees, greg laden hohohohoho
Where am I? Just sitting back watching you prove Greg’s point for him. Have fun.
Just come across this thread. Hilarious. 2 years old and it just gets nuttier. Some fine examples of trolliteracy and ignoramics. Please never close it down, Greg.
I especially enjoyed the weird comment by someone at one point that implicitly equated physical strength with intelligence.
The ALL CAPS misspelled rant that shows a total misunderstanding of sexuality and gender identity was very late in coming though. Kid, I am disappoint.
wizeman: “why this bitches are so stubber” What is stubber, wizeman? It isn’t in my dictionary. Is it in yours?
Does your computer have spell checker on it, or are you too young to know what spellchecker is? Because you write like a hillbilly whose attention span is barely long enough to drag yourself away from your mothers tit long enough to write.
Oh–and please do come back here–often! Raging Bee needs the conversation with someone who is at its level ( and BTW Raging Bee is male, approximately 50, is a reformed drug addict, and the police–who set him straight after he mended his ways many years ago–are his bestest friends)
pornolysis, what a weak comeback, now your’re checking my spelling? thats shows me how retarded you are, using spell checking? what a dumb fuck hahahahaha typical ignorant, sure i can use my spelling check but i don’t feel that retarded, you should be a book writer, anyways i’m not, hahahaha, from now on you gonna have to use your spelling checker or you gonna have to go over and over reading your shit to make sure your keybord didn’t fuck up, oops i forgot you have google spell checker hahaha.
pornolysis you know how i figure you? if you’re a woman, i figure you, blonde, with a perfect writing, but dumb as fuck, hahaha if you’re a guy i figure as the typical guy installing a tire backwards on his car, or putting motor oil on a transmission, or the tipical dumb fuck who downloads google spell checker to make himself look like a professional writer, you proved my point on what i told chasing bees, here in the internet you can pretend to be anything you want,I’m not trying to pretend that i’m smarter then anybody else, or to prove that i’m the best writer, i just want to prove my point, that there is no such thing as females being smarter then men.
females and grega binladen, are looking at life trough the wrong end of a telescope, fantasy is a necessary ingridient in life, it wakes up your barin cells.
another thing pornolysis i’m surpriced you havent corrected me about misspelling your nick name.
I couldn’t have said it better than you did, wizeman:
“I’m not trying to pretend that i’m smarter then anybody else, or to prove that i’m the best writer, i just want to prove my point”
You just proved it–again! Now go back, and take your meds, Raging Bee–this sockpuppetry is just superficial, and so 2004.
This statement is from my own personal experience at both the university level, and in the workplace. It does not apply to all women, or even all men, as it is a general observation of what I have witnessed (but true, to the best of my ability). More women graduate because they have it much easier than the men. Men are expected to support themselves while away at school, whereas the majority of women are still “daddy’s little princess” and are coddled financially and otherwise. Although women by and large may make better students, eager to jump through hoops and parrot whatever is found in their textbooks, most will never develop even a modicum of common sense or be able to think their way out of a wet paper bag (even with a Ph.D)! Additionally, if and when these women actually find their way into the workplace, they usually just go through the motions and try to avoid anything men would consider as actual labor. The women I worked around put in as few hours as possible while constantly doing their shopping on-line and sending e-mails to co-workers which had little or nothing to do with the task at hand. In other words, males may not “buckle down” when it comes to what some of them may view as useless studying, but the roles reverse after school – when a tangible reward (money) is placed in front of them. By that time, women are burned-out, but have a fancy-looking piece of paper which entitles them to believe that they are no less than geniuses – leading them to look down upon others who may not have enjoyed the advantages which they had. In short, their higher education is often nothing more than an expensive waste. That does not go for nurses or the other ladies who truly care about putting in an honest day’s work, but you will often find that the most caring and best female employees are those without advanced degrees. Universities cannot teach good work ethics, give people a pleasant personality or endow them with a fully-functional conscience. If an employer expects quality work, they will do well to hire a man – the highly-educated women leaving today’s diploma mills think that the effort expended to obtain their degree was the last they’ll ever have to make.
I think we are all at same level. Female had no time to envelope, because their life were decided by men till ONLY recently. If you call me a feminist, because I brought up this argument, then well be it. Because it like ignoring the slavery of black people and say they always had a free will (in fact in several countries, black and women got right to elect almost at the same time, says already everything).
If you realism how fast we catching up, you will know that we always had the potential, but never the chance to use it.
Fact is, men have more selfconfidence. They are more competitive. That’s what makes them successful in business. But its not in their nature. Their nature is “to win over the competition”. If you consider the fact, that they did it with women for million of years, don’t be surprised that you lack selfconfidence. If you get told over thousand of years, you are dumb then you will most likely end dumb(read “Andorra”). That’s called psychological repression. Worked on Jews during the WWII, (if you wonder, why noone of them tried to fight back) and on black people, during the slavery as well.
Men may lead NOW, when it comes to inventions (not SAT tho anymore, sorry to disappoint you), but with the speed we catching up, I doubt you will hold this position forever.
Women are more team orientated. Statistic showed that, a man alone shows an awesome performance. However if men work together, their performance slows down. They rely on eachother, thinking the other will do the job. Women on the other hand show low performance alone. In team they show way stronger performance, because they want to help eachother. In average each of them, got slightly better results than the single-man-performance. Now you can interpret the results this way: Women has generally less self confidence. They don’t know what they are capable off. They underestimate their own power and will (Quote of UK institute: “women, across the world, tend to underplay their intelligence, while men overstate it”.)
The main cause is the men. I myself grew up in an environment, where I got told, men are smarter than women (Quote of UK institute: “Surprisingly, [both] men and women perceive men being smarter across generations”, “If there are children, [both] men and women think their sons are brighter than their daughters.”). However the facts talk for themselves. They are not, never been and never will.
Im not stating men as the bad one, but the nature says all: The physical strongest one (not mental) were leading the group. Since men had a stronger build, they took the part of the potential leaders. Any critic to it wont affect them.
Wee have not enough selfconfidence yet, but we are at it. The difference between the men and women is at the moment: Women move forward. We manage to work and to take care of family successful. This is unpreventable. However the men changed only slightly on this part. We learned and adjusted to fast for them. In fact how much of us do same things as men nowadays, compared to men doing the “females”-? Not even worth to mention. That’s why they still hit with the fist, saying the women should do only “female” things, because the nature made them so. Unfortunately I doubt it was the nature. Cause I never saw nature talking to me. Most likely it was a man, who yelled and used the science to their own advantage. Maybe they didn’t learn anything of EVOLUTION yet either. The fish didn’t grow legs out of nowhere. Its most likely because he “wanted” to run over earth and needed it for survival.
Dear men, if you really want to count as smart again, I suggest you to move forward and rethink your position within the society. I don’t need your “hunting abilities” anymore. I can earn so much money as you now either. Its time for you to make the compromise, not always us.
As for Male brain being bigger than female: As I know we both have totally different brain. They look different, they think different, so you basically comparing a sausage with a mixer. However if you claim to rely on this stats, WHALES brain is bigger than yours, but it doesn’t make him smarter 🙂
PS: Sorry for my english, not my mothertongue.
Olga go back and keep washing dishes, you said women move forward? what the fuck is that? am i living in a different world, i must be in in another planet because i dont see women moving forward, is that your imagination? or you just speaking on your on behalf? here in my planet i see the same shit i’ved being seeing eversence i had knolege of whats arround me, i still see women in the same positions, did you had your eyes closed while you where writing? you must be dreaming because in my real world women are developing the same way.
there is one thing women dont understand, from day one, men were ment to be men and women were to be women and each one with its on purpose, if you want to chance what has being stablish is another thing but women is caractirized to be like fragil glass , and its purpose in my planet is to comply with its duty at home , like taking care of their kids, washing dishes, ect, men were ment to work hard to bring food to the table, so how can your dumb ass compare a men with a women, you said that women can perform the same way a men performs? you’re are wrong my dear, you probably have never carried two five gallons buckets full of concrete one in each hand, if you did you wouldn’t be making comparations, but you can try lifting them and tell me how far you can get with them, when you have a chance to wake up from your dream and scape from your world , i invite you to come to my planet its called, earth, here you will find reality, you will see lots of men performing unlike women cant perform.
Yes, here you will have your eyes opened, you will experience reality OF LIFE, you will find men and a lot of them working hard the same way like back in the days.
MAYBE IN YOUR FANTASY WORLD you control the world maybe men are delivering babys, maybe men are breast feeding,or perhaps bleeding from their vaginas, hohohoho, maybe women are sweating like dogs, working really hard to bring food to the table, don’t you get it!!! women and men are not equal, in your fantasy world you might be smarter them me, but in my world i could be smarter then you, but remember i live in planet earth where men have been sussesful in every category when it comes of being smarter, even phisically, men are one step ahead, wake up and smell the coffee!!, it sure smells good,
by the way when you wake up from your dreams, make sure you fall ontop of inflated matress full of feathers, because for sure you’re way up in the sky dreaming.
nature dont talk to you but instinct does, duhhhhh, is like a man trying to be a woman or a woman trying to be a man, that has been for centurys and is not going to change, women have there instinct of beeing a mother, men has the instinct to protect the family, i mentioned it before, the instinct of a mother in a robbery is to hide and protect her child, the instinct of a men is to grab a weapon and protect the family, i could use a lot of examples, but is not worthit, women are hard headed they think their smart,they think their one step ahead but they always stay behind, and why? thats their instinct, trying to make a woman understand something is like hitting a brickwall, they think they know everything but they don’t know shit,
Olga there is a lot of things you dont understand about men, sure we can’t breast feed a baby , sure we can’t bleed from the vagina because we dont have one, i don’t know where did you get the idea of saying that men don’t work in teams, i could tell you this i’ved seen females working in teams and believe me!!! there is always drama.
Whats so hard of baby sitting? whats so hard about washing dishes? whats so hard about giving a bottle to a baby? whats so hard about changing dipers ? men can do all the above i’ved done it, but the instinct of a mother is not the same as the fathers,
another thing i dont get, is that you also mentione that women are moving forward, hmmmm where is that? I’ved been 30 years in the United States and i still see the same Environment among us, lots of nurses, lots of teachers, lots of secretarys,waytresses,cashiers,social workers,but i hardly ever seen a female painter, electrician,engineer,contractor,freeway construction, rail road constructions,bridge constructions,truck drivers, i’ved seen lots of female desingners, i could mention all men careers in which women are not capable of being susccesful, but i’ved seen lots of men, as teachers cashiers,social workers,so how can you compare?
Another adventage men has is being smart and strong, women might be smart but they’re weak, if you convine both of them in certain ocassions is really helpfull and depending in a situation, what good would it do to be smart in a situation where you are capable of using your brain but force is needed, thats why man will always be ahead of women there is a big adventage, too bad they don’t see it that way, thats why women can’t understand, and trust me i live among two women and there has being ocations that i needed help with something, and they can’t even think or help, is frustrated so for me is funny when a women tells me that women are smarter then men, and i ask them based on what, and the answer that i get is, “we are smarter to hide things from men” , “we are good liars” “we can do two things at the same time” ” we can have babys” ” we are slick” isn’t that stupid? you call that smart? now if i asked a female doctor is a different story but when they speak plural thats when they mess up.
Great story and easily provable.
Be honest, now: who’s smarter, your Mom or your Dad?
Case closed : )
My mom. What about you?
How about my son and my daughter. Obviously, my daughter. At least at the moment.
Women aren’t smarter than men. Men aren’t smarter than women. There are plenty of sexist pigs who will tell you the latter is true, but as we can see from this conversation there are also plenty of sexist pigs who will tell you the former is true. Sorry Greg, but you’re not better than the sexists of yesteryear. You’re just more self-righteous about your sexism because you think women will like you if you deprecate men. How pathetic. You’re just as much of a self-serving scumbag as those who are sexist against women.
I should also point out that you have a very simplistic understanding of intelligence. I’m certain women, on average, are more intelligent in certain ways than men, on average, and vice-versa. However, the claim that women are smarter than men because they have higher levels of achievement in UK universities is silly. The most famous genius, Einstein, had problems in school. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg, some pretty brilliant people, all dropped out of college. But they were idiots, right? Clearly, you don’t have a firm grasp of intelligence if you think achievement in university determines whether you’re smart or not. Perhaps you’re not so smart yourself. At least that would fit with your hypothesis.
Also, religiosity is higher in women than men. If you were sexist against women rather than against men, I would not be surprised to see you claim that this means men are more intelligent. Fools like you try have preconceived prejudices that you try to make the evidence fit. Whether that prejudice is against women or men makes no difference.
How cute. On the Asperger’s spectrum, sense of humor is the first thing to go. Shortly thereafter, sense of proportion.
Rachel, thank you for your comments.
Greg, thank you for your trite dismissal of my criticisms.
Rachel, it was not a trite dismissal. It was my way of being more polite than you deserved. This blog post was originally written very tongue in cheek. I mean, seriously, go read it again. I’m a fucking scientist who studies human behavior and I wrote a one-off blog post on how women are smarter than me because I noticed this on test scores. I knew, and this should be obvious to my regular blog readers, that this would incite one after another of the kinds of comments we see on this thread from guys who are offended by the whole idea and who spurt out inarticulate babbling arguments about how it just can’t be true (did you read any of the comments).
What you said in your comments is mainly correct (but not entirely … for instance your mention of religiosity in women v. men is uncritical and not entirely accurate).
You are staring satire squarely in the face and sternly telling it to get serious.
And now you are telling me that I need to take that seriously.
You are in fact the first person on this comment thread that I’ve not dismissed and that is because I’m making certain educated guesses about you that tell me you are a person I’d rather have as a “friend” (internetually) than, say, well, most of the random hit and run commenters among the dozens represented above.
Good for you for fighting the fight.
If you want something that is not a satire, try this:
Again, thanks for your comments.
So this was just a troll meant to stir up the MRA types?
Rachel, sorry I didn’t get to your comment earlier. For the last several hours I was hanging out with bunch of amazing brilliant women. And some guys, but they were kind of stupid! (You know who you are….) 🙂
I would say MRA types are a subset of the men who take exception to the idea that they are not masters of the universe. But basically, yeah.
I wonder about neuronal pruning in the first year, environmental shaping, and autism. In my practice (speech-language pathologist), I see more and more upper middle class kids with a dx of autism. They may have been considered merely ‘eccentric’ in the past. They may be very bright on some level, know tons of information, but have trouble integrating it and seeing the big picture. They may be emotioanally infantile and have trouble getting through the day at school (where, admittedly, conformity is the name of the game). They may have difficulty managing sensory input, and may be overwhelmed by it. These children are often from upper m;iddle class families who have provided the best in intellectual input, nutrition, etc., for their child. {and of course, all their vaccinations:|) Could it be that the neuronal pruning didn’t happen as much as ‘necessary’? I remember something about these children having larger brains or larger head circumference. Do these things go together possible? Ideas?
I do think women are smarter about lifes decisions.and alot of other things.and we tend to remember alot more. Men have less blood flow to their big head which has the brain.They are thinking with thier little head most of the time. 😀
Women need help to do so well in university. Look at all the affermative action laws and all those female only scholoarships. There is a difference between being intelligent, and having the ablility to memorise what is being shoved down your throat.
bob, would you care to back that up with some data? Do you have a wife or girlfriend? Maybe she can help you with that.
Question! Why does it matter whether men are smart than women or women are smarter than men? Men and women can do almost the same exact things! And score about the same on tests and both are in high ranking jobs etc. Greg all you have done here is just try to annoy people on something that really doesn’t mean anything accept to maybe ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS! is is really a childish topic to write about. There tons of women I know that are smarter than me is something like math but I’m smarter than them in something like history, sports, nonfurry animals etc. Really we are all the same in a way. We are all human!
Anonymous, I agree!
Sorry to comment again but Greg aren’t you a male? Why are you going against your own gender? Do you wish you were a woman or something? It doesn’t make alot of sence to me.
Thank you for agreeing I don’t mean to insult you with my second comment is just curious as to why you dislike your own gender so much, and the wishing you were a woman was the 1st thing that came to mind.
My gender is unrelated to any gender related truths, assertions, observations, facts, etc.
However, if you would like to see examples of men arguing that men are better than women where clearly they are doing so only because they are men, read through the comments above!
If men weren’t around you wouldn’t have houses to live in food to eat fresh water and clean countryside. Us men do all the dirty work whilst most women are too scared of breaking a nail or getting their clothes dirty.
YEAH! Women have NEVER done physical labor in the history of anything!
They’re too fragile and weak and useless and stupid.
There’s a reason why Rosie the riveter was a cartoon, they couldn’t find a real woman who could do real work.
Michael, in typical tropical forager societies (and this represents all of humanity for most of our existence on the planet) the women built the houses.
In most societies around the world women do far more of the physical labor than the men.
Hmm I have read alot of the older comments and alot of them do say alot of the same thing but all make valid points, as do you. If you go up to about the 2009 comments you will see a guy named jack and he makes a very good point. He says that through high school and beyond slot of males are pressured into certain jobs that take alot if hard labor but don’t pay very high and alot of males are pressured into doing things they wouldn’t normally do that would take away from school time like skipping class. Females on the other hand usually aren’t pressured to do things that are hard labor but low paying jobs. If they are pressured at all it’s usually to study and do really well in class. You see, peer pressure plays a big role in how well a male or female will do in school and onto jobs. Another thing that has affected alot of males as early as the mid 90’s is video games. How often do you see females play video games? The amount that does play is growing but still hardly any if them. For males mostly now adays play a decent amount of games and that takes away from studying and from going out to get jobs.
Hmm I have read alot of the older comments and alot of them do say alot of the same thing but all make valid points, as do you. If you go up to about the 2009 comments you will see a guy named jack and he makes a very good point. He says that through high school and beyond slot of males are pressured into certain jobs that take alot if hard labor but don’t pay very high and alot of males are pressured into doing things they wouldn’t normally do that would take away from school time like skipping class. Females on the other hand usually aren’t pressured to do things that are hard labor but low paying jobs. If they are pressured at all it’s usually to study and do really well in class. You see, peer pressure plays a big role in how well a male or female will do in school and onto jobs. Another thing that has affected alot of males as early as the mid 90’s is video games. How often do you see females play video games? The amount that does play is growing but still hardly any if them. For males mostly now adays play a decent amount of games and that takes away from studying and from going out to get jobs.
I agree masculinity I think it’s to make women feel better and to try not to think that they may be being discriminated again in jobs ( which really isn’t true anymore)
WOW some of you guys are jerks i mean come on girls can do every thing a guys can or do better at it. like me and my older brother kick box and guess what i kick his ass every time i mean i get a bloody nose of broken ribs but i still win,
Greg, you being sexist makes your entire argument invalid. Your article is also stupid. I look forward to your a) childish response or b) ignorance.
You know why that is? Because the education system has changed in to the learning ways that comfort the female learning progress more, while it lessens male progress.
It is becoming a well known fact that education plays more in to how women think than how men think, so when women leave college with better qualifications, it’s not suprising. This isn’t because women are “smarter” but because men don’t have the extra edge; education teaching them by their mind sets.
Yes, there are far more stupid men that there are stupid women, but there are far more smart men than there are smart women. Men hold thetrophy for being the dumbest and the smartest when it comes to comparing the two genders.
You also have to take in to consideration what qualifications these women are leaving college with. They are likely to be leaving with education that is art, music, drama, child care, foreign language etc. Where as males are more likely to be better in maths, science, engineering, and science. Take a little time to think what ones are more important…Exactly.
Take in to consideration that the males in history tended to do better in education than males today in education. Now only to the simple minded/feminist minded people would think “Males are just stupid, hahaha”, it isn’t the case. Males haven’t changed, the education system has. Males progress a hell of a lot better when it involves competitivness, and the education system has taken out nearly all competitiveness out of the education system, so once again, no wonder males aren’t doing as good in college if females have the education system suited for their mind sets.
Males from a young age grow up in an education system that has changed to fit women minds, so when the male child is brought up in such an education system, not only is he less likely to achieve better, he is also less likely to want to achieve better, which explains why so many males don’t enroll to colleges, because they have already been brought up in an education system that they are sick of, and don’t want to go back to such way.
Do you ever think why males are always playing video games and tend to be really good at them? That’s including games that involve strategy? It’s because the gaming enviroment is a competitive one, one that makes males strive to be better, and so they can go from being bad at gaming, to being very good. Why is that, I ask again? Because of the competitive enviroment that gaming brings, including the online gaming competitiveness. And like I said, this involves strategy games. Males tend to be very good at such games, and why? Because being the best at it, being competitive about it, makes them want to do it, makes it a task (level/mission in gaming sense) to overcome. Where as today’s education system doesn’t have any of that.
The people with the highest IQs in the world are mainly men, with four men being the highest, and a woman coming in fourth.
Let’s not forget that the majority, by far, of inventions and studies that furthers our species and is more important for our species, come from males. Even today, males are responsible for the progression of technology and science, far more than women.
Like I said. There are more dumb males than there are dumb females, but there are more smart males than there are smart females.
that’s what Amelia Earhart thought! if you ask me it is not intelligence because every study ever done on IQ has shown men are far more intelligent than women it’s the fact that all through school things are better understood by men so they don’t have to do homework to ace the test women do they get homework grades and same test scores the woman has the better grade in the class i have never met a women who can do math better than me(college math teacher) but several men left me jaw dropped. from what I’ve seen men learn much faster and remember much better than women. but women play a vital role in helping men with there bad common sense! and stupid stunts
I’m not a native English speaker, but I’ll try my best…
Humans are not the strongest animal, nor the fastest, nor the best swimmers, nor the one with the best vision or hearing systems, and so on…
We just happen to have the most powerful brains.
And this alone, seems to compensate for everything else (I hope it doesn’t sound controversial to say that we dominate this planet).
So, if woman are smarter than man, how do you explain the very fact that man has oppressed woman (with which you dismiss the overwhelming evidence of man intelligence – based on inventions).
Yes, man are stronger. But bears are stronger yet. And it doesn’t seem that they managed to oppress humans.
And please don’t respond by speculating on the size of my dick (it’s fine, thank you)
Christianity, Altin.
Christianity allowed the mysteries to be the perview of Men Only.
Before then, it was almost entirely the women in charge of the spiritual side, men were there to be the muscle to protect or enact aggression. Women were Scary. Powerful. And not in a “smack in the mouth” way, but in a more scary psychological way.
This probably lent itself to a LOT of persecution of Men.
It may well be that patriachal religions were so initially successful for the same reasons why the Womens Movement were so successful: they were a reaction to oppression, therefore there was something to gain from its acceptance.
Aside from that, women don’t normally date bears therefore the relative strength of the two different animals bears almost no relationship to the power struggle of the sexes.
Since the biggest man gets to fend off the attentions of other men, the pool of allowed social interactions will be with the strongest and most violent man.
And, though the need to procreate incurs some increased vulnerability of a man bedding a woman, less-than-full-on violence can still be a workable strategy, up to a point.
Christianity? Wow!
How long do you think Christianity has been among us? Do you really think that genetic differences between man and woman, involving different physical and mental performances have roots in such recent times? And how do you explain the dominance of man in any religion (including pagans)?
I donâ??t want to be disrespectful or something, but what are you saying is similar to the â??reasoningâ? that if we leave some teenagers in an abandoned island, most of discoveries, inventions, and theories, would be produced by bullies, simply by keeping the geeks in constant terror and depriving them from â??spiritual revelationsâ?.
Seriously, though. Here some questions for you:
Do you think that woman have the same physical performance capabilities as man?
If you think that they do, or are even better, or that we simply donâ??t have enough data to arrive in any conclusionâ?¦ I would suggest you to google for the results of recent olimpiadas.
This is as good as a scientific experiment as one can get. These are typically young, healthy people, with good genes, which try to give their best.
Supposing that you either have done that, and got some enlightenment, or have come to the conclusion that simply experiencing the world gives more data than one cares to remember, my next question to you is:
Do you think that being able to run fast, or swim fast, or lift heavy weights and so onâ?¦ has anything to do with oneâ??s ability to survive? For example, if an animal attacks a group of other animals (un-armed humans included), does the ability to run fast has anything to do with oneâ??s chances to survive?
If so, it seems that Mother Nature is not simply being â??sexistâ? here, but plain genocidial (females would have less chances to survive)
Itâ??s clear, I think, that we havenâ??t come so long (in evolutionary terms) as â??equal-independentâ? individuals. Nature doesnâ??t care so much about equality, rather, it finds its material for natural selection in diversity, and specialization is the norm.
And it doesnâ??t require any PhD to realize that woman have more than a half of the reproduction facilities in their bodies.
If you are a reasonable enough person, I hope you would concede that there is some specialization in action here: woman have more core tasks to do to (biologically) renew the specie, and man more core tasks to do to preserve the current ones (catch food and protect from becoming a food).
And if you concede that natural selection happens in the reaction of one specie with external factors, meaning how best different individuals react to those challenges (procure food and to avoid becoming food), and if you also concede that intelligence is not simply one of our â??toolsâ? in â??the business of survivalâ?, but our primary one, than itâ??s quite clear to see why nature has selected to put this ability in males mind â?? those who had it were more able to impact the challenges of survival.
Males are more intelligent than females for the same reason that they can run faster, or lift heavier weights. All those abilities, intelligence especially, are determinant in their core tasks.
This thread has proven one thing, trolls are not a myth…they really exist.
“How long do you think Christianity has been among us?”
Something like 5000 years, in one of several forms. Its current incarnation is Christianity.
Do you really not know this stuff?
“Do you really think that genetic differences between man and woman, involving different physical and mental performances have roots in such recent times?”
No. Since I never said this anywhere, why did you think to ask?
“And how do you explain the dominance of man in any religion (including pagans)?”
Monkey-see monkey-do.
This is not, for most people with active brains, rocket science.
“Do you think that woman have the same physical performance capabilities as man?”
What does this have to do with your earlier post?
Nothing, that’s what.
I shall ignore further stupidity in the post until it gets to something germane.
“Males are more intelligent than females”
You, of course, are the example of a male far dumber than a female.
“for the same reason that they can run faster, or lift heavier weights.”
Sorry, as a male who can lift weights, I can tell you categorically that you do not use your brain to lift heavy weights.
I didnâ??t insulted you (as a way to deconstruct your â??argumentsâ?).
Itâ??s clear that you are all about emotions and no reason (which makes your position quite understandable)
You know, science isnâ??t going to remain mute for long even in these matters. And I doubt that any theory will be established simply by ignoring any counter-argument and offending those who articulate them.
Which genetic differences would those be?
Itâ??s curious that you picked that as the weakest point of my argument, because if you sustain that woman were oppressed by man (explaining in this way their almost inexistent contribution in our understanding of the world), they (man) either have to be stronger, or smarter, orâ?¦ both.
It sounds reasonable to exclude â??neitherâ? as an option, but you can elaborate on it if you have to.
For the sake of the previous comment I have to say here that if Christianity was the problem, we have to choose whether it was either a product of â??divine forcesâ?, or human mind.
Assuming we donâ??t have to spend any lines on the first option, we have to decide whether were males or females that invented it.
If we pick females, than they have not been oppressed at all, they simply opted out of any scientific endeavors.
If, on the other hand, males invented it, and replaced therefore any intellectual framework established by females so far, I canâ??t see how this can be counted as a prove of womanâ??s intellect.
But anyway, assuming that you are more prepared to concede that there are some genetic differences that makes males have better physical performances (a few posts earlier I also proposed a (quite scientific) way to assert those differences) , rather than mental differences, my question to you is:
If the ability to survive is a direct function of oneâ??s performance in those abilities, how could Nature make a difference here?
Unless, itâ??s as much part of the design that males are more involved in challenges that require those abilities – not only for their own sake, but for their children and females as well â?? as part of a family, or tribe orâ?¦ (my English leaves my short hereâ?¦), as the fact that woman have to do more in the context of reproduction.
Any such ability, intellect included, has to be earned in the same way as any other ability has â?? by proving useful in the context of natural selection.
Intelligence is as much important in those challenges, as any other (humanâ??s case proves that itâ??s more important than any other)
And Nature, has already â??made up her mindâ? to not be as ambitious in the installation of a survival system in woman, in order to leave some â??genetic budgetâ? to install almost an entire reproduction system.
Obviously Iâ??m not claiming that any man is smarter than any woman, in the same way I wouldnâ??t claim that any man is taller than any woman (even though, statistically speaking, they are not equal)
And a smart woman wonâ??t become dumper simply by hearing this fact, if science (in all probability) will come to include in itâ??s description of the world, more than a tall woman could become shorter simply by hearing that man are (generally) taller.
men are smarter then women actually hahahahaah you guys have no idea
cant tell if troll or stupid
men select women because they are sexy (more sexyness means better at making babies- wide hips, neonatalish face, big tits)
women select men because they can make cash (cash making ability is directly proportional to cunning, intelligence, aggresiveness, athleticsm in varying amount depending on environment)
this has been happening for thousands of years natural selection/evolution makes men smart, strong, fast etc etc and women have big tits and arse. men tend to prefer women who are dumber than them so women have evolved to be dumber than them — natural selection.
on top of that there is a crap load of evidence eg. majority of inventions/science is done by men. you keep bringing up fire and stone tools as women inventions and dont provide any solid evidence. even if women did invent fire it was most likely an accidental discovery and the women involved had no idea wtf just happened. it was really a matter of luck rather than creativity. the understanding of combustion, atoms etc etc and the theories and testing of the theories was done by men. inventing of stone tools and fire does not really suggest high intelligence. abstract though, things that require shitload of brainpower like fluid dynamics, microprocessors, semiconductor devices etc etc is all done by men.
Personally, I don’t think that either gender is smarter than the other. I believe there are many different factors to decide one’s intelligence and many scienteists cannot even agree what factors to consider. There are many smart men and many smart women as well as many (too many) men and women who are not so intelligent. I think that there are more men on extreme ends of the bell curve and more women towards the middle, balancing out over all. Not saying you are wrong or right, just innocently giving my opinion. I’m also disgusted by a lot of these hate filled comments that I am seeing. So many sexist people here , and it is going both ways…..
@ Rachel- Women are more innovative??? Give me a break, who invented the wheel, the car, TV, Radio, Internet, sports, those are all man, women?? panties, Proactive, Bikinis, & Dildos!!!!
This is why feminism pisses people off, Greg. FYI, I am a male valedictorian of my high school class. According to your standards that should be foolproof evidence that men are smarter than women right?
Feminism pisses you off because you have one data point and I have thousands?
I graduated at the TOP of my college, number one, a class of 10,000. The second ranked person in my class was a woman. The two of us went up on stage to be congratulated by the Regents in a big huge ceremony at graduation. So I should conclude that men are smarter than women.
But thousands of test scores later …. that’s not how it turned out.
I’m sorry, but after the first paragraph, I knew this couldn’t be taken seriously.
Firstly you base overall intelligence on fifteen year olds, a moment where males are most at their energetic levels due to puberty, and so on. Science is used while ignoring science? Nice….
Yes, in the current system of the education system, women are doing better. A simpleton would conclude from there “well, women must be better”, someone with half a brain would ask “why?”
There are so many books and information out there that shows why women are doing better than men in education, and it has nothing to do with women being “better”, it has to do with how the system works in favor of women more than men.
I won’t go in to detail about the primary reasons, as I would be here all day and it would be easdier for you to look it up on Google, however some other reasons are this:
-Lack of male teachers – Boys do better with male teachers.
-Female teachers, on average, grade boys lower than their respectful score.
– Lack of mobility that demotivates boys from further education.
– More men drop out.
– More women go to education.
When you consider all the reasons “why” this is, you realize that it’s not that “women are better”, it’s that the system works better for them, and that society has no plans on helping men in this subject, so it will continue.
Back when men were seen as smartest due to education and more men going, it was seen as sexism and because of all the background reasons for it…Now that the genders are reversed we scratch that way all together?
“There are all kinds of post hoc explanations given for this like “Girls get better grades because professors are men, nod nod wink wink” and so on. What a load of crap. Women are smarter than men on average, among the smartest people there is no emperical evidence that women are underrepresented, and among the dumbest people in the world …. well, those are mostly guys.”
So, hold on. When there is reason to suggest men are smarter, it’s a load of crap, which just a look at history shows that, yet you say most of the dumb people are guys, based on…Nothing.
So hold on, something that can actually be shown is “bullcrap”, yet something you show no evidence for is “true”? I can’t see this as anything more than a mangina trying to suck up to the female gender. I rarely use the word mangina, however it really does seem accurate here.
Your “proof” is not “proof” to see which is smarter, and I explained why that was due to the education system and all the other aspects.
This was not “proof”, this was not a “study”. You have no actual reason to suggest what you are claiming.
You have made a claim by simply looking at the conclusion.
What you have done is the equivalent of only looking at the conclusion of the race, so the person you seen that one must of obviously been better, yet by viewing the actual race you could see that the winner started half way through the race before anyone else.
For someone that was viewed as top of their class (I read on of your other comments), I am surprised that someone such as that was incapable of understanding this basic thing a twenty year old could.
1) Till women are behind in a field, it is due discrimination and oppression .
2) When (after lot of cajoling , special extra marks, giving more attention to them programs , pressure on everybody to push women more and more forward) women score more in a field, then its because they are inherently superior.
=> What a crappy logic
I might as well create nonsense junk-science too. Men can pee on walls, upright. They see parabolas from their earliest childhood and as they change their aim, the parabola transforms in the expected ways. This leads them to an intuitive understanding of gravity, functions, 3-D spatial relationships, leading the way to space exploration and space construction. But don’t worry, we’ll always construct pressurized rooms for the women so they don’t hurt themselves.
Women pee in a kind of skunk-spray that teaches them nothing.
Thank you for that contribution.
LOL @ how the woman is the arrow – universal symbol of man – with a head arms and legs.
double LOL @ how the ‘man’ appears to be a chalice, the universal symbol of woman… turned to the side crying like a bitch.
But what do I know? I’m just a stupid man with a mesely 187 IQ.
Jason, you could have impressed us with that high IQ you got off the internet if you had looked up what those symbols mean, where they come from, and which one goes with which sex instead of just making it up and getting it wrong.
A woman would have not made the errors you made.
Girls outperform boys in education all around the world so it’s safe to assume this is not linked to system, religion, race etc.
Anyways I don’t know who is smarter by default, perhaps this isn’t even linked to general intelligence but more to attitude and other traits, but from my experience I’ve noticed that boys ( and later men) are just lazy and overconfident while girls ( and later women) are more ambitious, self-disciplined and goal-oriented.
Even in relationships and marriages more often than not it’s the woman who is planning everything and making all decisions, men most of the time are pretty much clueless of what is going on around them. I don’t want to sound sexist, but these indeed are my objective observations, I see this practically everywhere around me.
I love how the author feels the need to debate people’s comments on this over four years after it was written. If you’re reading this, which it seems is entirely possible, why is this still relevant to you?
Because women are still smarter than men, even after four years of arguing about it!
Greg, I understand from your comments that you intended this to be satirical. I just want to emphasise that the disengagement of boys from education is a very serious problem and one that has been largely ignored by society for decades (although thankfully this is changing). The reason some people (not just men) get irate about comments like yours is that many people who say things like this really mean them. Rather than making pointless blog posts why don’t you join us in trying to fix a very serious problem.
Robert, the post is part satire.
Most of the irate reaction to this post is from guys who prefer to coast on the coat tails of male privilege and prefer to not question the out of date but still common assumption that males are better than females at anything they decide to claim to be better at.
There is an issue with boys drifting from education, in some areas, but the same is true for girls as well. For example, STEM education.
I spend almost all my time in science communication or education. I am sorry if that does not meet you expectations.
Thanks for your response Greg. My research has led me to believe that the problems facing boys in education are quite different from those experienced by girls (eg, wishing to enter STEM).
I don’t agree at all with your generalisations about men. Whenever anyone mentions male privilege I suspect they are looking up at the top of society. Look down, you will find men there too. As usual reality is more complex than can be encapsulated in neat concepts like ‘male privilege’. Men and women both experience gender related problems in society. The problem is that while women’s issues are widely recognised and discussed, men’s are often marginalised and dismissed. It has been this way for decades and perhaps for much longer. FWIW the worst offenders in dismissing men’s issues are (perhaps surprisingly) men.
Anyway I suspect we will have to agree to disagree on a few points such as the seriousness of the education problems facing boys, and whether or not men (as a group) have issues worth addressing.
I was not looking at the top of society at all. In fact, I’m surprised you would think that is what I meant.
I suspect we disagree on more than a few points. I view the MRM with active disdain.
“The reasons are obvious and straight forward.”
Such is the scientific rigor of the social “sciences.”
Rick: That was actually endocrinology!
Ask your wife or girlfriend, for instance, she’ll tell you. As suggested.
Not Really.
The idea that girls are smarter than boys by default, and that boys are just pigs for attention and recognition, is nothing but bullshit and pseudoscience. And any girl who actually believes that jabber jabber, is likely a pig herself.
wow.. this is one of the most stupid article i’ve ever read. i wonder if we’d ever had gotten past the stone age had men not invented and discovered what they did. now that every other thing has been brought up to the surface where females can scratch, they are equal. wait they are superior… wow … you don’t judge that by grades i suppose.
Sabal, you’d be one miserable dumb-ass if you had to live without the things that women have invented over the ages.
Well, you’d still be a dumb-ass anyway, probably. Proving that women are superior if you’re the male to compare to!
The amount of effort put into this is amazing
“Ah fuck, if I find a good reason to say women are superior, maybe I’ll get laid!”
Ah, you pussy.
Get a fucking brain, become James Bond and kick men’s asses and spank women’s asses.
I need complete and detailed requirements, policies and procedures, anyone help me please? = ).
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