Monthly Archives: May 2009

Don’t mess with Tex …

… tbooks. (get it?)

Josh Rosenau, of the National Center for Science Education, has a piece in Seed online:

The National Center for Science Education, in Oakland, CA, where I work, has tracked hundreds of attacks on evolution education in 48 states in the last five years. In the last two years alone, 18 bills in 10 states have targeted the teaching of evolution. These bills, like the flawed science standards approved by the Texas Board of Education in March, don’t ban evolution outright. But they do authorize teachers to omit evolution or include creationism at their whim. “These bills give cover to school boards and teachers who want to teach creationism,” says Barbara Forrest, a professor at Southeastern Louisiana University who studies the history of creationism. “It’s as simple as that.”

Read it here.

Homeschooled child snatched from the jaws of life by religious mother

I really have nothing against homeschooling, but it must be admitted that among the homeschoolers, there is a disproportionate share of crazy people that should not be allowed near children. And, the way homeschooling operates politically, the children of homeschooling families are less likely to be rescued from their abusing parents (when there are abusing parents) than other kids. That is a simple fact, and all the homeschoolers who are not abusing their own children but who maintain that society must simply turn away are part of the problem, not the solution.

In this context it is not surprising that homeschooling mother Collen Hauser is trying to murder her illiterate and possibly somewhat crazy 13 year old son by refusing to allow him the necessary life saving medical treatments ordered by a court.

SLEEPY EYE, MINN. — The father of Daniel Hauser said today he believes his son and his wife have left the country, but won’t say where he thinks they have gone to keep out of reach of authorities.

“I have an opinion where they are, but I can’t say I know,” said Anthony Hauser, adding that he has placed a call to a telephone where he believes he can reach them.


I find it fascinating and disturbing that this situation has not been deemed appropriate for an Amber Alert. Why?

PZ has a long post about this, and another similar case.

Questionable New Study Aid for the Kids

I know someone (never mind who) who used to tie herself to a chair while studying in order to not randomly get up and go do stuff. (Obviously, she could untie herself in case of emergency.)

Now, there’s a new way to do that:

Parents struggling to get their kids to revise in the run-up to exams can now keep them at their desk using a ball and chain that only unlocks when they have studied for long enough.

Concerned mums and dads set the desired study time on the Study Ball and attach it to their child’s ankle.

A red digital display counts down the “Study Time Left” and the device beeps and unlocks when the time expires.

More info here

Who would win in a fight between Microsoft and J.K. Rowlings?

Both, I hear, are rather litigious at times (man, am I ever going to get sued). So, when Microsoft patents Harry Potter’s Magic Wand, how will that go?

“Newly-disclosed USPTO documents show that Microsoft is seeking patent protection for a ‘Magic Wand,’ a device with various gizmos and sensors that can manipulate and interact with its environment, including video and holographic images, while using biometrics to connect with the user. ‘Even the most pragmatic individual,’ explains Microsoft, ‘would have trouble arguing against the merits or utility of, say, a magic wand that actually worked to control or communicate with objects or components in an associated nearby environment.’


The big news

So it came to pass that Amanda seemed to be somewhat ill …. nausea, tired for no reason, that sort of thing. About the same time both of us started to rearrange the furniture a lot and we were both gathering small sticks and pieces of moss and putting them in the bottom of the closet. Then the local dogs and cats started to act strangely when we would come in and out of the house. Eventually, we decided to go to the doctor and see what was going on.

And it turns out…
Continue reading The big news