Winged kitty cats are not unheard of in China, but a new alate feline is always news.
The winged cats can not fly, of course, or you would have heard about them before. They would be like these flying killer sharks.
Scientists have narrowed down the explanation for the growth of these wings as environmental, or genetic, or developmental.
…scientists believe the appendages developed due to grooming habits, a genetic defect or a hereditary skin condition.
…. keep us posted on that, scientists.
Source is MSNBC, hat tip to Rebecca Skloot.
This explains how they managed to get to the ceiling.
Verily, it is an Angel from Ceiling Cat!
I knewed this day would come! Ever since I seen that Wizard of Oz with them flying monkeys, I knewed it’d be soon before another animal try to copy it! Ugh! I finna hit them with my broom if they fly around me!