Have you ever:
… tried to order a BLT at Subway?
… been really hungry so your bones stuck out and you passed out now and then?
… given someone a sandwich so they could get through the next day?
Well, who cares. But do go read my latest post at Quiche Moraine on these topics. Thank you very much.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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Nice Story -but I’m having trouble reconciling the amount you paid for rent ($16.50 per week) and the cost of the sandwich.($1.89)
I can get a “Footlong” with everything on it at Subway for $5 today – but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to find a place to live for $45 a week.
Were the sandwiches there unusually expensive?
Stacy, maybe you live in the wrong place. Five years ago, in central Minnesota (St. Cloud), I found a house (with one roommate) where I paid $160 a month, about $40 a week, not including utilities. It wasn’t a nice neighborhood, it definitely was not a nice house, but its possible. I doubt I could find that kind of a deal in coastal southern California. Nevertheless, I still can get a $5 footlong.