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0 thoughts on “Txtng Bus Driver Pwned”
Once I was on a bus where the driver was (1) yakking constantly on a cell phone, (2) eating, and worst of all (3) stealing quick looks at a book sitting opened on the window ledge next to his seat. There was not one moment in the final half hour of the trip when he wasn’t doing at least one of these things, and sometimes two. I sat in my seat nervously and hoped I would survive. The bus and passengers arrived undamaged, and I complained about the driver to the bus company.
Once I was on a bus where the driver was (1) yakking constantly on a cell phone, (2) eating, and worst of all (3) stealing quick looks at a book sitting opened on the window ledge next to his seat. There was not one moment in the final half hour of the trip when he wasn’t doing at least one of these things, and sometimes two. I sat in my seat nervously and hoped I would survive. The bus and passengers arrived undamaged, and I complained about the driver to the bus company.
David C, did you catch the title of that book?
Something obvious like the Bible or Ayn Rand, or Multitasking for Dummies? 😉
John S., What an ugly prejudice.
It was too thin to be the Atlas Shrugged or the Bible or any ordinary novel. Other than that I don’t know.