Possible Cleopatra Tomb?

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A tomb in Egypt, on the sea coast, is being investigated by Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass, who claims it is the final resting place of Cleopatra and her main squeeze, Mark Antony. One of the pieces of evidence used to make this claim is a mask with a cleft chin, just like Richard Burton’s.

It seems that most non-Egyptian archaeologists are claiming that this is incredibly unlikely. Most of the actual relevant evidence that would address the likelihood has not been examined by anyone, so I won’t take this disbelief any more seriously that I’m taking the claim.

Details can be found here in what is actually a pretty funny news report.

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0 thoughts on “Possible Cleopatra Tomb?

  1. Zahi Hawass is the Secretary General of the Egyptian Council of Antiquities, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that he interprets his position more along of the lines of “assistant Secretary of Tourism”.

    Whenever there’s any discovery to announce, he puts on his Indiana Jones hat (cf. 3rd picture in the linked article) and races in front of some TV camera to conjecturally link it to one of the five names that create the most media interest: Cleopatra, Ramses, Tutankhamun, Hatshepsut or Echnaton.

    When the time comes to promote any actual findings and results, especially of the kind that might not readily excite an average tourist, he and his fedora are nowhere to be found.

  2. From the article: “Cleopatra, who had always been a seductress, induced a poisonous snake to bite her chest.”

    When will these negative images of wyminz as temptresses and seductresses; scheming, and clever murderers, and money and empire manipulators–stop?!?

    It is harmful to woemenz on the right, everywhere to have these negative stereotypes perpetutrated.


  3. It seems that most non-Egyptian archaeologists are claiming that this is incredibly unlikely. Most of the actual relevant evidence that would address the likelihood has not been examined by anyone, so I won’t take this disbelief any more seriously that I’m taking the claim.san diego wrongful death lawyer

  4. Most of the tomb of Pharaohs in Egypt are already destroyed because of looting by the locals. Most of these tombs are the tombs of the king and queen. And these tombs are destroyed.

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