Because the right wing wacko Republicans have organized a major media event for April 15th (tax day) in which “teabagging parties” will be held across the country.
GLIU. then, ROFL. AFAIK, they don’t know what it means.
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Why am I thinking that someone suggested the idea to them and they ran with it? (I mean, aside from the fact that I’m a MENOF.)
Not only are they stupid and unaware, they are so fucked up they are protesting at having to pay less in taxes.
this is undescribably awesome
Best explanation I’ve heard of the mentality is precisely what Not-Joe the Not-Plumber said — they view themselves as Potential Rich People and are faux-feathering their own nests to plan for the eventual gold strike. It’s got nothing to do with what they have and everything to do with what they’ve always been told they can get eventually.
and then on Thanksgiving they can hold turkey slapping parties
And in other news, the National Organization for Marriage has come up with the 2 Million for Marriage campaign. They chose 2M4M as the acronym. Not very bright are they?
The whole thing is based on Sainthood and Martyrdom.
I had to go look up GLIU.
The toobz are awash with acronyms. Some just about explain themselves, but really, who can keep up?
i tried to find a decoding of MENOF – to no avail.
I as well do not know what MENOF is.
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
Dennis: I’m sticking with the tea-bagging.
Mac: But tea-bagging doesn’t even leave a mark!
Dennis: Well, fine, I’ll dip my nuts in ink or something and then put it in his mouth– that make you happy?
Mac: Well… Yeah, actually, I think that’s a pretty good idea.
Oops forgot to paste in the video link for Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. She talks about the Tea-bagging.
How Maddox and Cox managed to talk about teabagging with more or less straight faces shows how professional they are.
Cox saying, “Everyone would want to teabag John McCain” was a LOL moment.