… cool! Oh, but wait, it’s all Flash Multimedia stuff and you have to install extra plugins and that doens’t really work that well (their servers may be jammed).
OK, NASA is going to eventually have Space Satellites in 3D. Click here to check it out, and let me know if it starts working properly.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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Does a 3D model of the ISS count? It’s up now. No plug-ins. Need the glasses, though.
It’s working now, but I think it’s too much trouble for too little result. It shows the positions and orbits of a bunch of satellites, but little else. I thought there would at least be some detail of the Earth’s surface, but it is just displayed as a grey sphere. I tried Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer thinking that maybe it was optimized for one and not the others. They all show the same thing, but the drag-and-click doesn’t seem to work in Chrome.
Any bets on how long before it becomes an option in Google Earth?
Imagine that… The Unity Web Player isn’t available for Linux. How long is it going to take for the government to learn the term “open source”???