Have you read the breakthrough novel of the year? When you are done with that, try:
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in Kindle
or Paperback
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Something I figured out a long time ago from studies of exotic combat training and “hysterical strength” is that normal human muscle tissue is capable of producing enough pull to crush or break bones (depending on the location in the body). Thus the combat training focuses on movements that allow the muscles to exert their full force without breaking bones; thus the mother who lifts the back end of a car off her child (after it’s fallen off the jack) will usually do damage to the bones of her back (as well, possibly, as shoulders, arms, elbows, etc.). Seems to me that genetically engineered “double strength” muscles would just have that much more chance of destroying bones without specialized training.
I would like to see the bones of those mice and do a few tests on them…
If they actually produce such a large a mount of muscle in a developmental time frame in which bone formation can keep up, then there is no reason to believe (as AK conjectured) that the muscles would be too much for the bones to handle. Bones develop in response to the forces the muscles they are attached to place upon them. They would just be some bad ass killer mice, is all.