Just Dess
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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I’ve heard of penis envy – but never president envy ?
Yes Stacy, it leads to chasing beaver tail.
It’s not President envy – if she means we want a similar form of gov’t, it’s just relief and joy that he previous group is no longer there. It is envy if she means damn you got a good one and we’re stuck with this asshole Harper until the opposition has the guts to bring down the government. I like the Obama stopped and met with Michael Ignatieff, the leader of the opposition – smart move they are more alike than Obama and Harper and Ignatieff stands a very good chance of becoming the next PM.
Beaver Tails are great 🙂
Well, what Maddow meant was totally clear: After eight years of being embarassed it is really cool that any group of people outside the US would LIKE our president. Especially the Canadians, who are our best friends and our relentless critics.