How Norm Coleman has always gotten away with it

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Those of us who have been following former Sen….So it is no surprise that Norm wants to sidestep campaign finance law and use his campaign funds to pay for his defense against the FBI investigation into the charges of not reporting the gifts totaling $75,000.

A must read post at MN PP.

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3 thoughts on “How Norm Coleman has always gotten away with it

  1. Oh call on me! I know I know call on me!

    Norm can do get away with it because there is a law that says IOKIYAAR! Its OK If You Are A Republican!

    YAY I win the intertubes 4 today! The bad news? Another day Normy is out of jail. 🙁

  2. Norf Coledork needs to go away! Why doesn’t he? He and Mitch McChinless are all about trying to frustrate Obama and the agenda for change. If Franken has not been seated, then there is one fewer vote for change.

    A few friends and I are considering a legal argument against Coleman for keeping us from being properly represented…

    This sickens me!

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