Hat Tip Geekology
Have you read the breakthrough novel of the year? When you are done with that, try:
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in Kindle
or Paperback
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*Please note:
Links to books and other items on this page and elsewhere on Greg Ladens' blog may send you to Amazon, where I am a registered affiliate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, which helps to fund this site.
I guess that’s one way to aerate your, er, lake.
That is one powerful pump. And an excellent of the guy steering it.
Am I the only one who was expecting a Kevin Costner clip?
That would be kind of fun to play around with. Of course if someone wasn’t paying attention and they ran their boat or jet ski into the hose part it could ruin your day a bit.
The basic components don’t look that complicated. A jetski, which are little more than a glorified water pump to start with, modified so the normal exhaust is funneled into what looks like a 3″ fire hose. the harness, frame and two nozzles are simple weldments. Control looks to be mostly by way of shifting his weight. It also looks like the driver doesn’t have any control of the volume or pressure of the pump. The spray patten of the nozzles doesn’t seem to change.
Add some more hose line, and a circuit, electrical or RF, to control the pumping action and you could have something.