Franken-Coleman Senate Race Recount: Restart

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At 1:00 PM Central Time court procedings being in the Franken-Coleman senate race. A three judge state court will ultimately hear and rule on a lawsuit essentially filed by Coleman’s team. The suit, an “election contest,” alleges a number of problems with the current nearly-certified recount which gives Franken a small lead over Coleman.

All of these issues have been previously aired, and some but not all addressed by the State Canvassing Board. Most analysts currently believe that none of these alleged problems are real, or material in relation to the outcome of this election. Coleman may well agree with this as he has already accepted a position as a lobbyist for a Republican Jewish interest group. Which is kinda funny, but might make sense in a Minnesota context. But not really.

I’ll keep you posted.

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6 thoughts on “Franken-Coleman Senate Race Recount: Restart

  1. The people of Minnesota are currently under-represented in the U.S. Senate. Why don’t they sue Norm Coleman for bringing this situation about?

  2. I remember when Coleman urged Franken to concede the election and save Minnesota from undergoing a recount (which was going to happen automatically because the election was so close). Coleman wanted to spare his state the expense and delay of a further election contest. Coleman said that he would concede if he were in Franken’s position of trailing by more than 200 votes. He’s been in just that position for a couple of weeks now and I guess he’s changed his mind about sparing Minnesota further expense and delay.

    Smarmy bastard. I’ll be glad when the court confirms his defeat.

  3. At this stage it’s clear Coleman is less interested in winning the race and more concerned with keeping one more Democrat out of the senate. How very magnanimous of him.

  4. Don’t blame me. I voted for Wellstone (back in ’90).

    Hmm… I’m still cheesed that Bachmann won. I sent Tinklenberg a check after Bachmann’s “investigate congress for disloyalty” meltdown.

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