We know, deep down, you are an Obama Girl, Hilary.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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Someone needs to expose the truth about Obama. While God may hate Hlllary, he does recognize the truth about Obama.I?m going to use all My Godly Powers to make sure she loses the only thing she?s ever cared about (becoming Emperor) to some smiley-faced black guy who can talk pretty.http://stuffgodhates.wordpress.com/page/2/
Someone needs to expose the truth about Obama. While God may hate Hlllary, he does recognize the truth about Obama.I?m going to use all My Godly Powers to make sure she loses the only thing she?s ever cared about (becoming Emperor) to some smiley-faced black guy who can talk pretty.http://stuffgodhates.wordpress.com/page/2/
Fuck that noise. I hope she stays in it until the very end, if only to piss off the misogynist freaks who’ve been bullying her (in increasingly stridently sexist terms — the usual way of enforcing conformity on “uppity women,” notice) to drop out. You’ll notice further that none of these direct sexist attacks even started to happen until there was a man challenging her for the presumptive nomination.Don’t you think it’s just slightly insulting to refer to a sixty-year-old woman as a “girl”? Seriously.
Interrobang, that depends on your cultural linkages. Girl is a respectful yet informal term for an older woman in about two thirds of the english speaking world.
Nope, nothing sophomorically sexist in the “now that he’s on top” riff either.
Then agsin. look who Hillary has waiting for her at home. And he’s there full-time these days. I’d try to land a job with long hours too just to get away from Bill.
Greg seems to have some deep seated political insecurity. He’s had a “No Nader” logo on the sidebar for ages, and is pretty active in saying Nader should be pushed out of the race (as if Nader actually matters anyway…). And now he is pushing for Hillary to leave.I don’t prefer Hillary, but think she should just stick it out to piss off people like Greg. I like Nader, but won’t vote for him, but also would be happy to see him run. I don’t like any of the republicans or libertarians, but the more the merrier. More choice = better, the way I see it.-Kevin
Kevin,Thank you for suggesting that I have deep seated neuroses. Next time I feel the need for psychotherapy, I’ll look you up.I was actually a Clinton supporter for the first part of this primary season. At some point I realized that Obama was going to win the nomination. Since I support either candidate, that was fine as well.I was fully in support of Clinton staying in until the end.But then, some time before the mainstream press noticed this, it was becoming increasingly clear (in Pennsylvania, actually) that Clinton was starting to play on working class white racism. This is so abundantly clear now that it is to the point of absurdity.So at this point, not only do I think she should get out of the race, I also think she should get out of the Democratic Party.And Nader should be IN the Democratic party, not in the Nader Ego Stroking party that he seems to prefer.
Greg -Thanks for the reply. I’ve brought up this issue before with Nader, and you’ve never noticed (or did and never responded).So at this point, not only do I think she should get out of the race, I also think she should get out of the Democratic Party.I agree that she’s gone down a very wrong road. And she should be criticized for it, and I can’t fathom why the party doesn’t tell her (publicly if needed) to calm down and drop the race card. But I don’t think she should leave the race. I don’t like her, but some people apparently do, and they have every right to try and get her elected / nominated.And Nader should be IN the Democratic party, not in the Nader Ego Stroking party that he seems to prefer.I see. And your plan to encourage Nader to join the democrats is to put a big red X through his face on your blog for a few months? Good plan. How about inviting him to the democratic debates instead? Nah, lets just denounce and criticize until he (and his followers) are convinced that they should join us.-Kevin
Denouncing Nader is entirely logical and a very good idea. Notice, by the way, that I took my No to Nader badge off the site a week or so ago.No, Hillary should get out of the race. The tradition has always been to leave the race when it becomes numerically impossible for you to win, and I can’t think of too many cases where a candidate did not do this. As I said I did not mind her staying in, but then she went over the line and must now go away.I think that will happen soon.
I’ve noticed a misogynist streak(sometimes very subtle) among (some) Obama supporters. Although I generally support Obama, I don’t like this at all. But I’ve also noticed two things about the Hillary supporters which really bother me. One of them is a group of women who think we must have a woman president, pretty much at all costs. And they willingly and happily ignore all kinds of things about Mrs. Clinton that basically make me very uncomfortable. They ignore her appeals to white racism, for example, and they alson have consistently ignored her ties to some people calling themselves “centrist” Democrats who really are “Republican lite”. You cannot rationally argue with these people; they “blow off” Obama, sometimes in very crude terms, every chance they get, claiming he is going to lead the US down the “wrong road”. Their rantings have become increasingly shrill of late, and it’s too bad. Had Hillary been the only Democratic candidate, I would have voted for her. She probably would be competent enough. And I don’t have anything against her runing till the very end, if that’s what she wants to do. But if she’s going to go the “racial” route — that’s unacceptable. Just as it is unacceptable for (some) Obama people — not, however, Obama himself — to display their misogynisitc side when talking about a candidate whose appearance on the scene, like that of Obama, has basically been historic for the US.Anne G