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Links to books and other items on this page and elsewhere on Greg Ladens' blog may send you to Amazon, where I am a registered affiliate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, which helps to fund this site.
That is very beautifully done. That is an example of some very clever animation and effects work. The motion of the penguins – especially the couple of shots showing them jumping and starting to achieve flight are very convincing.I just asked the maker of that ad what he used to create it and if he did it in Linux or had to use Windows or Mac apps to do some or all of it.
I didn’t think it was that great. Adelie penguins are well known for their flying abilities, and each year they migrate from the Antarctic to the North Pole, and return. Nice film of the solid water though.
The short video was originally created by the BBC as part of a demonstration for the BBC iPlayer service. You can view the original here. On the right of that youtube page you should also see a link to a piece about the making of the video.The ironic part, of course, is that the iPlayer service is not natively supported on linux.
The BBC version was better as it showed to where they were flying….
I understood that the flying penguins was made for April Fool’s Day when it was shown on news broadcasts in the UK. I saw it on BBC (England) news!