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Nice video clip. But aren’t we humans chemosynthetes too?
The difference is we get our energy from molecules made by other life, which put those molecules together using energy from the sun, whereas down there they put molecules together using only the energy provided by chemicals.Also, go Bill
Beefy clams that smell like farts because of bacteria. I feel a new food craze coming on.The question of abiogenesis has been puzzling me for a while. I often hear the insistence that abiogenesis was a singular event, but as is played out in this story I am not so sure. With the capability of chemosynthesis near hydrothermal vents, and with the vents being so commonplace, isn’t it possible that abiogenesis has been a continual process? Some started in land in a prebiotic organic soup, some in the oceans at these incredible depths.I think the history of abiogenesis is still being written in places we haven’t yet explored. Life doesn’t seem as mysterious or magical as it once did (exciting, fascinating, mindboggling but not magical.) Are abiogenecists still looking for a single “event?”I need to think about this some more so I can articulate a bit better what I mean.