Today is PZ Myers birthday. I live roughly in PZ’s neighborhood, so I broke into his house last night and scanned a couple of images from the Myers family photo album. I thought you might enjoy them…

There is a LINKFEST growing of other LOL PZ posts (and perhaps other items) at A Blog Around the Clock.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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Mwaaahahahaha!You did Mr. PZ mighty proud, son. Good on ya! ^5!
You know what they say: living roughly is the best revenge.
An easy way to remember my birthday is that it is PZ’s too.(60 today!)JL
JL:Yes, and all PZ got was a bunch of LOL satires. You, I sent a present to! (but I did not splurge on shipping costs, so don’t be checking the mailbox every day)