Voters told urologist Barney Maddox to piss off, leaving incumbent and former school teacher Pat Hardy in her position on the school board representing District 11. The people of that Texas District were too smart to be fooled by an excessively expensive campaign by Maddox who spent over $120,000 to Hardy’s $10,000.Incumbent Mary Helen Berlanga, also challenged by a hard right winger in her own party (Lupe Gonzales) appears also to be holding her own in District 2.[source]
Yay! And in TX, that is pronounced Yee-Hah.Pretty cool that God announced that in the same night that He Hates both Huckabee and Maddox.
A creationist urologist?I guess he thinks that the prostate gland is an example of God’s perfect design.After all, it encircles the urethra so that any enlargement shuts off the urinary stream. It almost universally starts enlarging early in middle age. It turns cancerous at an astonishing rate.God must be a urologist.
Old doctors’ joke:What is a cystoscope? A long metal tube with a prick at both ends.