A Cafe Scientifique by Yours Truly …….. details below the fold.
Cafe ScientifiqueEvolution, Cuisine and RomanceTuesday, February 19, 7 p.m.Bryant-Lake Bowl, Uptown$5-$10 (pay what you can)
Were the opposable thumb, an upright stance and a large brain the most important evolutionary events in human history? According to Anthropologist Greg Laden, these and other traits are only the byproducts of the truly important evolutionary transitions for our species: the rise of romance and the evolution of cuisine. Join Laden for a discussion about the co-evolution of diet, sexual strategies, and society during the last five million years.The Bell Museum’s Café Scientifique is a happy hour exchange of ideas about science, environment, and popular culture featuring experts from a variety of fields on diverse and often provocative topics. For more information visit bellmuseum.org
check on the big brain on Greg! You are such a sexy species!! ….Wish I was there.