Bad News: It’s a Big Lizard!!
According to
a report noted in Evolving in Kansas, Komodo Dragons have been hatched in Sedgwick County without fertilization by a male.There are two of them, both males. (Isn’t that interesting?) …I think they should name them Jesus and Brian.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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I thought that parthenogenesis always produced female offspring because the they would have inherited both x chromosomes from the mother.
Not all animals use the mammalian XX (female) XY (male) or the birds ZZ (male) and ZW (female)) to distinguish the sexes. I believe some reptiles use incubation temperature though others use chromosomes.See some infoNote that in bees fertilized eggs become females (either queens or workers depending on diet) while unfertilized eggs become males (drones).
Biblical based exemptionalism sure is taking a beating.
Reptiles’ sex determination is based on the temperature of incubation of the egg.
Interesting! Now that you say it, it seems like I’ve heard that somewhere before.I guess it would be possible for the zoo to determine the results by changing the temperature.