Science Debate 2008 people may be intereted in this effort by SlashDot:
This is your usual Slashdot reader-generated interview, except we’re only going to pick five questions, not 10, and we’re going to send the same five questions to all the major-party presidential candidates and publish each one’s answers (in our Politics section) as soon as we get them. Please try to come up with questions the candidates have not been asked in the many interviews and debates to which they’ve already been subjected, all of which have been notably light on Slashdot-popular topics such as software patents, Internet regulations, and computer file formats. Note, too, that we have no idea how many candidates (if any) will actually answer, and that whether their campaign staffs do or do not think you are worth a few moments of their time is telling in and of itself.Special request: if you have better “inside” contact info for any candidate than what’s shown on their public Web sites, please email it to We’re also interested in original articles and essays from people who have inside knowledge of the election and polling process, so if you or anyone you know would like to write one for Slashdot, please email the same address.