According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008.
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So now Fox News is the sole arbiter of who is legitimately running for President? That is absurd. The voters decide who is “in the running”, not Rupert Murdoch.Ron Paul will do very well in the New Hampshire primary, whether Fox News invites him to a roundtable or not.
Cameron: No, I’m afraid not. Ron Paul is a Republican, and the Republicans cast their lot with Fox a long time ago. If Fox News says Ron Paul is out, then Ron Paul is out. Period.
I don’t watch Fox because I enjoy the luxury of not having to claw stoopid out of my eyes, but I’ve heard they are putting weight behind Giuliani and Huckabee.