Daily Archives: December 14, 2007

My Linux Calendar

Dec 14
George Washington dies, 1799
Dec 14
Bonne fête aux Odile !
Dec 15
Argo Merchant oil spill, 1976
Dec 15
Bill of Rights adopted, 1791
Dec 15
James Naismith invents basketball, Canada, 1891
Dec 15
Sitting Bull shot in head while submitting to arrest, 1890
Dec 15
Statue Day in the Netherlands Antilles
Dec 15
Thomas Edison receives patent on the phonograph, 1877
Dec 15
Aujourd’hui, c’est la St(e) Ninon.
Dec 15
N’oubliez pas les Nina !
Dec 15
Bonne fête aux Christiane !
Dec 15
Aujourd’hui, c’est la St(e) Christina.
Dec 15
Waffenstillstand zwisch RuÃ?land und Deutschland, 1917

Creationist who Killed Evolutionist with Knife Gets Light Sentence

Yesterday, in an Australian Court, Englishman Alexander Christian York was sentenced to Five Years max for the stabbing death of Scottish biochemist Rudi Boa during an argument over evolution. The argument happened in January of Last Year. York, traveling alone, and Boa, with his girlfriend, were backpacking in Blowering Holiday Park, near Tumut, New South Wales, when Boa suffered mortal wounds at the hand of York.

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