The Testimonial:
I have been abducted by aliens for years… the Thought Screen Helmet, invented by an expert, has stopped the unwelcome visitations and has raised me and my family`s quality of life. Therefore I highly recommend it.
The Product:
From Geekology
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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How innovative to hide the tinfoil under a layer of leather.
Thats alright for you to say, you have your lens.
Hey, if it works, it works!I was out walking with a friend when he ran into somebody he hadn’t seen in ten years. This guy said he had been abducted over 3000 times since their last meeting. Afterward we talked about how that meant he had been abducted more or less every night.Really, what’s the difference between sleeping and being abducted by aliens, anyway?
Not only does it prevent abductions, it also keeps the wind out of your hair when barnstorming in your Great War-surplus bi-plane.
I just got abducted yesterday! I need this!
Couldn’t the aliens save some time by just keeping those they intend to abuct for scientific experiments (or whatever they do with them) ever night? This would have the added benefit of reducing the 2 am flying saucer rush hour in major cities.
My Mexican friend picked me up from my house yesterday and we went to the mall. I can’t really say it was an abduction, but I could still wear this and see if he wants to be seen driving around with me.
The problem with the tin foil hat abduction protection device is that there is no such thing as tin foil. Is aluminum too difficult to say and spell?