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OMG! this is so sad!http://www.spymac.com/details/?2311958
It’s somewhat unfair to just tally the absolute level of garbage — technological development will be the strongest determinant of that. Just like how the 20th C. was pretty bloodless in the West, as percentages go (if not absolutely), while in many hunter-gatherer groups a male has between a 30-60% chance of being murdered, depending on the group.My bet for who most exceeds their expected level of pollution, given their level of development, would be Gypsies.
AG: I get your point and I think I agree, but I just want to point out that that HG data is bogus.I can tell you this: There has never been a study done of a group of more than a couple hundred hunter gatherers. Death rate data in general, murder in particular, is impossible to get. In our study area in the Ituri, over ten years there was not one homicide, making this group the most peaceful population on the planet. Then there was one homicide, bringing them in line with a medium-violent society. Then every year after that, no more homicides, and their numbers have dropped more and more.The numbers you are referring to are probably not from foraging societies.
This is so sad.Some thing really needs to be done about this. hmmmmmmmmm
Would we be counting deaths due to warfare between tribes as “homicide?” And is that rational from an anthropological perspective?
Azkyroth… first, you’d have to define ‘tribe’ and ‘warfare’ and I guarantee that is not going to be easy!