Daily Archives: December 2, 2007

Be Good to OpenSource

Ten things you can do to help open source

If you’re happy just using open source, then no problem. But if you want to contribute, because you have a problem that nobody else is fixing — or simply because you want to do your bit in exchange — it can be difficult to know where to start. The following suggestions might just inspire you to join in.

Then this post goes on to give some suggestions. Most important two: use OpenSource software, and note that you don’t need to run Linux to use OpenSource software … there is lots available for the Mac and that other system as well.

A Blogging Tool

…. for people interested in writing about Intelligent Design and Creationism. You all know the term “cdesign proponentsists” … a chimera (although its been incorrectly called a missing link) of “Creationists” and “design proponents” … Barbara Forrest’s discovery and one of the key nails in the coffin for the creationists at the Dover Trial.Well, I thought the text “cdesign proponentsists” does not really look that impressive, so I created a new and possibly better way of writing i-f337505870c19ec91c08c54385ef8425-Cdesign proponentsISTS.jpg. It uses a graphic instead of plain text. If you want to use it, feel free to copy the code from this post

Turn on the TV

Man, the Detroit Lions mus REALLY REALLY SUCK.I think the Vikes have had the ball six times and have gotten six TD’s. Just when I was starting to think that Minnesota does not have real sports teams. Does anybody know if the Lions are any good?

Bush Lets Down Big Business

A sizable fraction of the international business community launched an effort to press for mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas emissions yesterday, on the eve of a major round of climate negotiations set to begin Monday in Bali.In an unprecedented show of solidarity, leaders from 150 global companies endorsed the idea of a legally binding framework in a statement published in the Financial Times newspaper.[source]

The idea is, of course, that these businesses recognize that this is gong to have to happen, but no one business can do it unilaterally. There are two reasons for that, which are closely linked. One, it is bad business, the other, that it is illegal.It is bad business to do something that cuts your profit and increases your price (thus decreasing business) unless there is some longer term gain to be had (through investment, for instance). It is illegal if you are a publicly held corporation in the United States to cause your stockholders to lose money with intentional business decisions. Not really illegal in that it is a felony, but in the sense that the CEO who does this can be sued, fired, and lose pay. Continue reading Bush Lets Down Big Business

Mainsttream OpEd Slams Hamm and Creation Museum

The Courier Journal is a regular normal every-day newspaper out of Louisville, Kentucky. James K. Willmot is a normal every-day former science teacher at a Goshen Kentucky school. He works in a lab now in Britain, but he’s from Louisville. The following Op Ed in the Courier-Journal by James Willmot should be sobering for anyone living in the readership zone of that paper, or anyone with kids in the area:
Continue reading Mainsttream OpEd Slams Hamm and Creation Museum