Daily Archives: September 19, 2012

Jim Graves, Running Against Michele Bachmann, Puts Up First Ad

This is Jim Graves’ first ad:

We drive by that mill several times a year. At one time it made paper for only two clients: The two main local newspapers, and it made most of their paper. But newspapers are dwindling in production, and so paper mills are fast becoming a thing of the past. This mill, we now know, will not be re-opened. The Sixth District needs to retool its industry and commerce. That will require some leadership, which will not come from Michele Bachmann.

Imagine the size of the tip when the dinner cost 50 large

I just want to remind everybody that the fundraiser at which Romney proudly declared he would not represent 47% of Americans, claimed that if he was brown he’d get elected, and promised that if there was a hostage situation in the middle east during the present election season that he’d find a way to take advantage for political gain, was a $50,000 per plate dinner.

The median income in the US is close to that amount.

If you wait 10 tables at an event like that and get a 15% tip, you make more than the median annual income in one night.