Daily Archives: December 24, 2010

More Retro: MTV Ruined Everything for Everybody

Half of my regular readers (well, at least four, maybe five) tell me, under duress, that they truly enjoy my more long-winded posts, but the vast majority of random visits clearly come to the quick and dirty posts, the videos that I slapped up with no forethought, the items that take less than five seconds to read though often there is a video, and the occasional kitty kat. MTV-generation pandering. Later I’ll retrospect some of those long winded tomes, but for now, here’s a set of pointers to some of the more visited posts not covered in my previous retrospective:

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Retrospective: Why do people read my blog?

It is end of the year retrospective time. This is the time of year those of us who do stuff others read or watch all year run out of good stuff to do and dredge up old stuff to keep the few of you who are not flying to Mexico or baking cookies busy while we get drunk. This is the first in a seemingly interminable set of such retrospectives that I plan to do this year.

I’ll start my retrospective with a prelude:
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