Daily Archives: July 13, 2010

Blog Rolling UDPATED

Here (below the fold) is my new blog roll. If you were expecting to be there and don’t see yourself, let me know. I’m trying to keep my blog roll blog roll-like in that it includes mainly people with whom I exchange linking now and then, and especially whose who’s blog roll I’m on. I’ve deleted seemingly defunct blog as well. It is quite possible that I accidentally deleted a blog that I shouldn’t have.

Continue reading Blog Rolling UDPATED

Poll: Texans Fed Up with Education Wars

Today the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released results from a statewide survey of what Texans think about the intersection of politics and religion with public schools. We released results from two questions back in May. One showed overwhelming support for putting teachers and scholars, instead of politicians on the State Board of Education, in charge of writing curriculum and textbook requirements. Another revealed that nearly 7 in 10 Texans agree that separation of church and state is a key principle of the Constitution.

Source: TFN

The French are about to Ban the Veil

The French have moved one step closer to banning purdah and other veil-wearing in public. In France, this intolerance of religious freedom /slash/ protection of vulnerable populations from the patriarchy is a feminist issue. Would this be the final paragraph of the final chapter of the recession of Islam (from France) following its high water mark in 1492?


Continue reading The French are about to Ban the Veil