Daily Archives: July 7, 2010

Science Blogs Updates Advertorial Policy

If you look at the Pepsi Food Frontiers Blog you will see that it now says “ADVERTORIAL” along the top of the blog. My understanding is that this is temporary and more design changes may occur, but the objective is to make this sort of blog clearly distinct from regular blogs. This is a good first step.

The RSS feeds from sponsored blogs, including the Google News Feed and such, will be handled separately, and posts from the sponsored blogs in the Fire Hose feed will be marked as such (eventually, not sure if that is in place yet).

People should still send in their feedback on this.

UPDATED: A truly WTF moment: YNHB Poser was Chris Mooney’s Imaginary Friend

UPDATE: It gets worse. Chis Mooney has provided some additional details. As more and more is known, my tendency to say to ‘William’: “oh, stop confessing and just get back to blogging, we forgive you” is turning into “OMH, you fuckhead, please slit your wrists now” … except I’m afraid he’d do it and I’d feel a little bad about it. For a minute or two. Anyway, check this out: Appalling Revelations about “Tom Johnson”

This is interesting enough to bump to post status; More information from the Buddah is not Serious YNH Confession Thread.

Chris Mooney wrote this on The Intersection last October:

Continue reading UPDATED: A truly WTF moment: YNHB Poser was Chris Mooney’s Imaginary Friend