Daily Archives: February 15, 2010

Waste = Food

Café Scientifique: Waste = Food
Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Bryant-Lake Bowl Theater, Minneapolis, MN
Tickets: $5-$12

Call 612-825-8949 for reservations

University of Minnesota College of Design alum Sarah Wolbert promotes an ingenious view of rebalancing urban food systems – one that involves design of detritivore and decomposition systems that eat waste products. This method of using waste as nourishment can actually improve the safety and security of our food supply. Wolbert will share ideas from her graduate design thesis and involve the audience in generating even more solutions.

Al Franken and Uganda’s Death to Gays Bill

Al Franken allies with Tom Coburn to oppose Uganda’s death-to-homosexuals bill

Sen. Al Franken has signed on to a Senate resolution condemning a bill before Uganda’s Parliament that would outlaw homosexuality and make it a crime punishable by death. (Hat tip: Minnesota Independent.)

What makes the resolution sponsored by Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold so interesting is that it allies Franken, an unabashed liberal, with co-sponsor Tom Coburn, a dyed-in-the-wool right-wing Republican. The common ground: Saving lives.

Details here