Daily Archives: June 4, 2008

Hillary Clinton Will Announce Withdraw From Race on Saturday, Will Back Obama

According to press reports such as this one, and for all I know a zillion others (I’ve been totally out of touch at a graduation party over on Eat Street), Clinton will announce her move on Saturday. She had a conference call with party mucky mucks today, apparently. The announcement will come in connection with an end-of-primary event. The Obama campaign is pretty much staying out of the way. Continue reading Hillary Clinton Will Announce Withdraw From Race on Saturday, Will Back Obama

June 4th: Kennedy Wins California Primary; June 5th Kennedy Shot; June 6th Kennedy Dies

i-5240fd73ceabf3f263313e4ae8a03bae-Robert_F_Kennedy._1964.jpgI remember being shaken awake by my father. He did not want me to miss an historic event. During the election campaigns, the television is always on in my house, this has been true since I was a kid and we first got a TV. So the TV was on and he knew Robert Kennedy had been shot, and he woke me up to make sure I knew what was going on.The next day, the same thing happened, this time with the news that Kennedy was dead. Continue reading June 4th: Kennedy Wins California Primary; June 5th Kennedy Shot; June 6th Kennedy Dies

Prior keynote speeches at the DNC

The DNC does not always have a keynote speaker. Sometimes there is a speaker that can be thought of later as such, but was not necessarily labeled “keynote” at the time. So this list can certainly be argued with.Obama was the DNC keynote during the last Presidential nominating convention. It is often presumed that the keynote speaker will be a key player in future elections. However, that is definitely not always the case. Sometimes the keynote is finishing old business (in which case their name is usually “Kennedy” and other times reorienting the party towards its traditional liberal values. Other times the keynote is a display of the Democratic Party commitment to diversity and equality. Continue reading Prior keynote speeches at the DNC

Gay Marriage Across the Border

Recognition of marriages across political boundaries is a long standing, virtually global tradition .,.. perhaps one of the earliest non-refugee related mundane global practices … to cross borders to get married. The distinction between ceremony and recognition is well established. This does not always mean that marriages are so recognized, but more often than not, they are.i-3066e55500934b411d04404a24182b6c-gay_marriage_01.jpgWhy are we talking about this? I’m expanding on a discussion happening here regarding the recognition of marriages (in particular gay marriage), celebrated elsewhere, by New York State. Continue reading Gay Marriage Across the Border