Daily Archives: February 6, 2008

Alison Jackson: A surprising look at celebrity

British artist Alison Jackson talks about her provocative explorations of celebrity culture. By making photographs that seem to show our favorite celebs (Diana, Elton John) doing what we really, secretly, want to see them doing, she’s questioning our shared desire to get personal with celebrity culture. Funny and sometimes shocking, Jackson’s work contains some graphic images.

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Luskin and the Discovery Institute Do Not Deserve the Respect They’ve been Afforded

The Bloggers for Peer-Reviewed Research Reporting Administration has made a decision in what has come to be known as t”The Luskin situation: A summary, analysis and decision.” I believe they made the right decision, but for the wrong reasons. I respect and admire (and participate in) their efforts, but I think they are being nice. This is no time to be nice. Continue reading Luskin and the Discovery Institute Do Not Deserve the Respect They’ve been Afforded

Huckabee: You can take our racist flag and shove it

South Carolina people know true conservatism when they see it.You don’t like people outside the state telling you how you ought to raise your kids, you don’t like people from outside the state telling you what to do with the flag … In fact, if somebody came down to Arkansas and told us what to do with our flag, we’d tell’em where to put the pole.

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Well, clearly my votes counted ..

… as Obama landslides (if I may verb that noun) Minnesota on Super Tuesday. Amanda and I went to the caucus last night, and stayed around for the vote count. We were in charge of making sure none of the voting slips dropped to the ground in the crowded classroom at the local High School.The people who run the caucus reported that they had never seen so many people come to the event.Oh, and we’re delegates. We’ll be taking this to the next level, next month. So if you are running for something, you’d better be nice to us!

The Discovery Institute Has Been Mucking Around in Florida

The nefarious Discovery Institute, the Creation Science think tank, is often secretive about its activities. It has not been entirely clear that they have been involved in the recent fight in Florida over the use of the word “evolution” and the teaching of mainstream, scientifically informed evolutionary biology, in public schools. Going with the interpretation of The Gradebook, the Discover Institute … Continue reading The Discovery Institute Has Been Mucking Around in Florida