Monthly Archives: December 2007

Capturing the Elusive Streaming Video

How to convert a YouTube or Google streaming video into a file that you can put in your pocket and carry around with you.

The Problem: Streaming Video is not enough.

Do you need to save a Youtube or Google video into a file? I’m not sure about the legality or practicality of doing this, so anything you read here could break your computer or get you arrested, that’s up to you.

I know I do this some times for a very good reason. My wife is a school teacher, and schools are run by reality-blind bureaucrats who come up with things like “zero tolerance” policies … so of course, most schools seem to have blocking of almost all useful Internet content, especially and including Google Videos and Youtube. So, if Amanda wants to show some useful video to her students, she can’t. The bureaucrats are happy, the students are uneducated. Whatever.

Continue reading Capturing the Elusive Streaming Video

The Whoops of Wii

Cool! A Wii! A Wii is a great way to deal with the problem of TV being a bad influence. Instead of sitting around watching TV, you INTERACT with your TV in a physically demanding way! It is actually GOOD for you! Watch!Ooops. The down side is that you can only do this once. Once Per TV.

Male Chimps Hang In Familiar Home Range

Home court advantage matters when it comes to food and reproduction. So, where does a big male ape sit? Wherever he wants to……. and if you are an adult male chimp, this means in the same part of the forest that you used to hang out with mom, when you were still more or less attached to her metaphorical apron strings. Continue reading Male Chimps Hang In Familiar Home Range

Truth, Lies and Public Health

Truth, Lies, and Public Health: How We Are Affected When Science and Politics Collide
Truth, Lies, and Public Health: How We Are Affected When Science and Politics Collide is a new book exploring the interaction between science and politics in the public health arena. I have not read it and am not recommending for or against … just letting you know it is there.The editorial review reads as follows: The “politicalization” of research findings has become prevalent over the past two decades. Politics often prevents the implementation of policy supported by irrefutable science. Most of us understand something about how this is happening with stem cell research, but Cornell’s Madelon Finkel delves deep into the subject to make the issues clear, also revealing how ideology and politics are distorting, diminishing, and destroying scientific research results regarding topics from needle exchange to medical marijuana use and HIV/AIDS prevention. Continue reading Truth, Lies and Public Health