Example of a walking subcaucus

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If you don’t know what a walking subcaucus is, maybe skip this post.

If you want to watch it, the best experience is to watch the whole 2+ minutes.

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4 thoughts on “Example of a walking subcaucus

  1. um… what does a 1:15 hour movie about the hanging of innocent cowboys – The Ox Bow Incident, set in the late 1800s have to do with a political strategy designed in the 1960s, other than what can happen if you let emotionally driven loudmouths lead you astray? The clip you posted was the whole Ox Bow incident movie 🙂

  2. A bit more quiet than any walking subcaucus I’ve ever been involved in.

    The frustrating part of it is the need for a supermajority in order to win the endorsement. I was supporting a candidate in 2005 who had 59% of the delegates, but the 41% supporting the other candidate were much more dedicated than the people I was with. After each count our number dropped and theirs stayed the same, as people had to get their kids from the babysitter or watch the March Madness or whatever was more important than Ramsey County Attorney. So, our candidate had to drop out, and the endorsement was not determined by the supermajority after all.

    Something similar could happen here in Minnesota 67A on March 26th. Since John Thompson is not a member of the Legislative DFL caucus, even though he is the incumbent, it is to many minds an open seat. He is seeking the endorsement, anyway. A few challengers have stepped forward, only one of whom is working seriously hard to win the endorsement and that’s Liz Lee. She’s got 55 of the caucus applicants for delegates and Thompson has 44. I’m listed officially as an uncommitted delegate, but I’m supporting Lee (largely because she has sought my support while the others have not even sent an email to me.) I met her on Tuesday evening, and was highly impressed with her visions for Minnesota and the East Side.

    But: If Thompson’s delegates hold fast and Lee’s start dropping then Thompson could retain it. So, we need to make sure people don’t leave after the first or second ballot.

    And the thing will be noisy.

    So, all this to say, if any Eastside DFLers are reading this, come out to support Lee even if you aren’t a delegate. You can still talk to delegates and alternates who think they have to go home early!

    We need someone who is recognized as a Democrat by the state party to represent us. Even though Thompson is probably a decent fellow, he has no power.


  3. So, in 67A we ended up endorsing Liz Lee on the 3rd ballot.

    Here’s a cool part. I think what helped was her Q & A answer on climate and the environment. When I met her she asked my issues, and by coincidence I had sent postcards to the gov and others in the Capitol regarding moving to electric buses for climate (of course,) and health reasons. In Phoenix, the city is switching from diesel to electric buses, because in the neighborhoods with the greatest need for mass transit are also the nabes with increasing rates of asthma among children. Those particulates don’t disappear, they go into young lungs.

    That’s what she said in her answer.

    There is money for Minnesota to switch, we need to take advantage of it.


    So, lesson learned, if you aren’t a rich corporate bastard, you can get the ear of your legislators by volunteering for them.

    There was no walking subcaucus, fortunately. Three ballots.

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